The Tripwire Funnel
A tripwire funnel is designed to get more leads to become buyers at an earlier stage in the buyer journey.
As part of the funnel, you present a low-ticket front-end product that is so irresistible that people have to purchase it.
After entering their information and purchasing the low ticket item, you then offer Upsells and Downsells to increase the Average Cart Value.
The ‘Two-Step’ gets its name from the Two-Step Order Form used on the first page of this funnel-type. During Step One, a potential customer is asked for and submits their contact information. During Step Two, the potential customer selects their product and enters their credit card information. The real power of the two-step comes from the ability to follow-up with a potential customer if they didn’t complete Step Two.
How to use the Tripwire Funnel in your business
If I was selling as an Author / Speaker / Coach / Consultant...
I'd use this funnel to run a 'Free + Shipping' offer to sell my book, reports or case studies. My OTOs would be additional info products that complement the Free + Shipping offer.
If I was selling in Network or Affiliate Marketing...
I'd use this funnel to give away free samples of my product when they pay the costs of the shipping. My upsells would be about getting on a subscription of the product at a discount or about joining my opportunity.
If I was selling in Ecommerce...
I'd figure out which of my products was the best Tripwire offer and sell it on the Two Step Sales Page. I would then look at my OTOs as my "cart" - what would be the next logical thing that these customers would want to purchase? I would make those all one click upsells.
If I was selling my Professional Services...
I'd create an 'in-home kit' version of my services on a Free + Shipping model. My OTOs would include a purchase to my regular service and a complementary info product as my second TO.
If I was selling Business-to-Business...
I'd create an amazing white paper report on my industry and give it away for free when they pay shipping. I could then easily upsell my core product.
If I was selling in a Retail / Brick & Mortar Business...
I'd take my most popular, lower-ticket product and offer it on a Free + Shipping model to those in my community. I'd be sure to offer a walk-in coupon on my Order Confirmation page too.
Explore Tripwire Funnel Services
Types of Funnels