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Dear Funnel Hacker,

Do You Answer Yes To Any Of These Questions?

  • Are you struggling with knowing which funnel to choose?

  • How to build your chosen funnel?

  • Don't have enough time or inclination to learn how to build funnels?

  • Don't have enough time or inclination to build a funnel for your business?

  • You know your copy has to be persuasive and written well but don't have time to master copywriting?

  • Don't have time for write persuasive copy for your funnel?

  • Don't have time to learn the many different sources of traffic to get leads and sales?

  • Confused and need help with your marketing strategy?

Did you answer "Yes" to any of these questions?

Then we can help you.

What Makes Me Qualified To Help You?


I have many years experience in the Digital Marketing field going back before "Digital Marketing" was a thing!

I have studied form the marketing legends such as Eugene Schwartz, David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, Gary Halbert, Robert Cialdini, David Deutsch, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Brian Kurtz, Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss, Roland Frasier, Donald Miller, Perry Belcher, Frank Kern, Justin Brooke, Ed Dale and more...

I have studied these marketing legends so you don't have to!

In my work I draw on what I have learnt from these legends, the qualifications I have below and my own experiences working on real businesses.


Over 50% of people offering Digital Marketing services have no qualifications.

Funnel Building And Strategy

I am a Certified Funnel Builder with Click Funnels which means I have been through a rigorous certification programme to make sure I can build you the funnel you need.

As a member of the Click Funnel Certified programme I also have access to a large community of expert funnel builders I can get feedback and advice from.


I am a qualified as Direct Response Copywriting Specialists with Digital Marketer as well as having studied the great copywriting legends. This means I know how to write copy that sells and can save you years of studying to master copywriting.

Marketing Strategy

I am a Digital Marketer Certified Partner and Certified as Digital Marketing Strategists. This means I am qualified and able to use their proven tools and methodologies to help you form an effective marketing strategy.

As a Digital Marketer Certified Partner I have access to a lot of experts in their different fields of Digital Marketing so if I don't know the answer to something I have a large community I can tap into to get advice.


I am qualified as Senior Media Buyer with AdSkills. This means I am qualified to help you choose and implement the right traffic source and then turn that into leads and buyers.

Email Marketing

I am qualified Email Marketing Specialists with Digital Marketer. This means I am qualified to assist you with you email marketing strategy and campaigns.

Other Interests

I love travelling and learning from other cultures. I am Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. I am also a qualified ski instructor. I do not teach professionally but like helping friends and family.


I recommend Quentin for his solid strategy for executing growth in set stages-so you are doing the right thing at the right time. His understanding of the strategy behind the framework is in-depth and will save you so much time and money as you scale. Quentin will make sure all the elements of success (strategy, copywriting, offer and retargeting) are in place for the best growth on the platform you want. Shari M.

Quentin led us through his time-tested step-by-step framework for growing our business. It was eye-opening as he uncovered basic planning and implementation steps missing in our business plan. Quentin's expertise can help any business develop and implement a concrete action plan for predictable growth quarter after quarter. It would be a pleasure to have his help on future projects. Jonathan S

Quentin is really good and helped us to focus on a clear sales management system. His method organizes our marketing plan and can be suited for any type of company. He knows his stuff and I recommend him. Sébastien S.

Quentin is a seasoned digital marketer who specifically helped us in the development of a B2B consulting project. He has given us some excellent directions to move in the testing and development of our new program that none of us had even thought of before. His help has proven very insightful. David K.

Quentin is a really straight talking, smart marketer with extensive experience in many different Ad Networks. He is a great choice if you need to discuss your options at length, brainstorm, and decide on the best strategic direction. He always has time for these important discussions and has a deep understanding of the optics needed for success. Neil P.

To Your Success

Quentin Hunter

PS If you wish to discuss your project with us please feel free to message us direct.


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