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One Funnel Away Day 9 - Lead "Squeeze" Page




One Funnel Away

Day #8 - Crafting Your Chief Aim / Goal


Special Offer for "One Funnel Away Challenge" Participants!

If you're participating in the "One Funnel Away Challenge," you have an exclusive opportunity to revolutionize your lead generation process at a special price. Dive deep into the world of high-converting lead squeeze funnels with our customized, ClickFunnels Certified solutions, tailored just for you.

Imagine converting visitors into leads, and leads into loyal customers, with an ease you never thought possible. Our Ultimate Lead Squeeze Funnel Solution is designed to not just meet but exceed your expectations, propelling your business to new heights. This is your chance to leverage a proven system, refined through years of expertise and success stories, at a fraction of the cost.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Transform your online presence, supercharge your lead generation efforts, and see your business soar. This exclusive offer for "One Funnel Away Challenge" participants is the golden key to unlocking your potential. Are you ready to take the leap?


When you invest in my Lead Squeeze Funnel Services, you're not just getting a service; you're acquiring a comprehensive lead generation system. Here's what's included:

  1. High-Converting Lead Squeeze Page: Custom-designed, mobile-responsive lead capture pages that immediately capture the interest of your visitors, optimized for maximum conversion efficiency.
  2. Email Marketing System Integration: Seamless integration with your preferred email marketing tools, including Clickfunnels, Aweber, Keap, and more, to ensure a smooth automation process.
  3. Customized Thank You Page: A tailor-made thank you page that not only thanks your prospects but also introduces them to additional offers if you have them, enhancing engagement and conversion opportunities.
  4. Full Funnel Design: A complete conversion-optimized funnel, including compelling headlines, persuasive copy, striking graphics, and clear calls-to-action.

Key Features

  1. Expertise and Experience: Benefit from my certification and hands-on experience in crafting high-converting funnels, leveraging the latest trends and best practices.
  2. Customization: Every business is unique, and so should be your lead funnel. I offer customized solutions that align with your specific goals and resonate with your target audience.
  3. Timely Delivery: I prioritize your time and ensure to deliver your lead squeeze funnel within the agreed timeframe, ready to generate leads and boost your revenue.


The estimated timeline for the delivery of the Lead Squeeze Funnel services is typically within 2-4 weeks from the project commencement, depending on the complexity and specific requirements of your project.

Requirements from the Buyer

To kickstart your project, I will need:

  1. Detailed information about your business, target audience, and specific goals.
  2. Access to your existing website and any relevant marketing materials.
  3. Preferences for email marketing platforms and any specific design requests.
  4. Logos and images you want used for your funnel
  5. The Lead Squeeze offer asset, it can be anything...ebook, cheatsheet, training, etc. As long as it makes sense for your target market and will make sense with your other offer(s). If you don't have this, we can brainstorm and come up with something during the consultation.

How it Works

  1. Consultation: We begin with a detailed discussion about your business, objectives, and requirements.
  2. Design & Development: I proceed to design and develop the lead squeeze page, integrate the email marketing system, and customize the thank you page.
  3. Review & Refinement: We review the funnel together, making any necessary adjustments to ensure it meets your expectations.
  4. Launch: With your approval, we launch the funnel to start generating leads.


Comprehensive support is provided throughout the project and post-delivery to ensure your funnel operates seamlessly and efficiently. This includes troubleshooting, optimizations, and any further customizations required.

Examples of Work

What Others Are Saying



Included in your package is a bonus strategy session post-launch to review performance and identify any opportunities for further optimization.


Your satisfaction is my priority. If you're not satisfied with the initial designs, I offer revisions to ensure the final product meets your expectations.


Q: Can you work with any email marketing platform? A: Yes, I can integrate with most email marketing platforms available in the market.

Q: What if I need changes after the funnel is launched? A: I offer post-launch support to make necessary adjustments and ensure your funnel performs optimally.



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21 Days Delivery

High-Converting Lead Squeeze Page: Custom-designed, mobile-responsive lead capture pages that immediately capture the interest of your visitors, optimized for maximum conversion efficiency.

Email Marketing System Integration: Seamless integration with your preferred email marketing tools, including Clickfunnels, Aweber, Keap, and more, to ensure a smooth automation process.

Customized Thank You Page: A tailor-made thank you page that not only thanks your prospects but also introduces them to additional offers if you have them, enhancing engagement and conversion opportunities.

ull Funnel Design: A complete conversion-optimized funnel, including compelling headlines, persuasive copy, striking graphics, and clear calls-to-action

Refund Policy

There are no refunds for this service once started. We do guarantee satisfaction with our tailored approach, ensuring your Lead "Squeeze" Pages not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We will work with you until you are satisfied.

Melanie Nichols


Member since July 2022