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10x Lead Flow System Implementation. YouTube Acceleration, Facebook Ad Acceleration and Social Media Acceleration.




Funnel Building

Custom Funnel Build


10x Lead Flow, Sales Funnel Implementation.

YouTube Accelerator - 6 Months Management

Facebook Ads Accelerator + SF optimisation - 6 Months Management

Social Media Accelerator (Redistribution engine) - 6 Months Management

Building this system will implement a solid foundation for all of your online business efforts moving


We will build a 10x Lead Flow Sales Funnel as discussed in strategy session.

We will support and manage your YouTube Acceleration for a 6 Month Period.

We will support and manage your Facebook Ads Acceleration for a 6 Month Period.

Our Plan, System and Scale process will ensure you have everything dialed in to launch your funnel.

In this Sales Funnel Implementation, we will provide a comprehensive plan

which includes:

Phase 1 - Foundation - (Find & Speak To The Right Client)

Define Your Target Audience, Sharpen Your Message and Create Your Perfect Offer

● Dial-In The Numbers - Get Clarity On Your Goal

● Define Your Target Avatar & Sharpen Your Message (Ethical Persuasion, so customers buy from

you time and time again).

● Creating Your Perfect Solution - Product Roadmap (Material, software, program structure in


Phase 2 - System (The Funnel and Process to Convert Clients)

Attract and nurture more of your best customers

● Create Your Optimum Lead Magnet

● Authority Booster (Micro Webinar, Authority Amplifier).

● Create The Perfect Funnel (Overall Eco-System, Quick Win Funnel, Automation)

Phase 3 - Scale - (Relentlessly scale your business with effective and efficient marketing

tactics). Take your business to the next level using specific organic, social and paid traffic


● Quick Win - Marketing (Save Cost, Get Quick Results)

● Retargeting Blueprint

● Streamline Your Sales Process (Metrics, from conversion, phone after 5 mins, text, follow-ups.

Added Sophistication after quick wins).

*Phase 3 is applied by our ongoing services.

Upon completion of Phase 1 (we will review the recommendations made and prioritize

any outstanding tasks or deliverables that need to be completed prior

to moving to the next phases).

Accountability & Execution Plan

Throughout the implementation, we will be providing recommendations, but what good

are recommendations if we don’t prioritize or execute? Before we proceed with the build,

we will identify mission-critical tasks, assign ownership, and create due dates for the

tasks so that they are complete. As we build this out, more ideas, tasks, etc. may come

up. We have a system to make sure that these ideas are documented and noted (a

designated card in Trello) so that we can stay on task, but we will revisit these action

items as others are completed.

Also note that while we are working through these phases, it is imperative that we get

feedback from your team in a timely fashion so that we can keep things moving forward.


To complete the work outlined in the project scope, we’ll need approximately 30 Days

from beginning to end (funnel implementation), depending on when we receive feedback at each milestone. Upon

activation of the service, we are prepared to start work immediately.

Phase Day

Plan 10 - Days

System (Build Funnel) 30 - Days

Scale/Acceleration (ongoing)

What you get:

Done for you Sales Funnel with 10 Lead generators.

Project managed via Trello.

The assets will be:

  1. Funnel page copy
  2. Sales Funnel Pages
  3. Lead Magnet creation
  4. Sales Page Copy
  5. Sales Page VSL Script
  6. 3 x email nurture sequences
  7. Authority Booster Script
  8. Integrations (SMTP, Domain, autoresponder)


Management Services

Sales Funnel Optimisation

  1. We get the funnel ready for launch and on an ongoing basis we optimise copy and split test pages in line with the traffic.

YouTube Accelerator

  2. At least 6 months recommended.

Facebook Ads Accelerator :

  1. We set-up quick win ad campaign and warm audience retargeting to campaign to your funnel.
  2. We manage and optmise the ads.
  3. At least 6 months recommended.

Social Media Management

  1. We set-up your social media machine, redistributing your shorts and reels.
  2. We manage this on a month to month basis.


Date: 28th April 2023

Between “us,” James Hughes Online Ltd, and “you,” Callie Kelley, are hiring

James Hughes Online Ltd located at 72 East Boldon Road,

UK to perform Sales Funnel Implementation and ongoing management for a 6 month period for the estimated total price of $26,800 + marketplace buyer fee.

This service does not include:

Video editing for long form videos (1minute + and above).

*There's no guarantee of results. We can't get results for you as the business owner. We can only

carry out the right activity to help you get results.

**This service is non-refundable due to the agreed services involved. Service will be activated on

purchase and onboarding initiated.



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60 Days Delivery

Refund Policy

0% Money Back Guarantee This is not a book or a course that you do on your own. This is much more than a coaching program. We invest a HUGE amount of time, energy, and money to build the system that you need and we expect your full commitment. *There's no guarantee of results. We can't get results for you as the business owner. We can only carry out the right activity to help you get results. **This service is non-refundable due to the agreed hours involved. Service will be activated on purchase and onboarding initiated.

James Hughes


Member since June 2019