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Sales Funnel Expert - 2 x Funnel Build




One Funnel Away

Day #8 - Crafting Your Chief Aim / Goal


This is what you'll get:

  1. 2 x Funnel Build
  2. 2 x Email Nurture Sequence
  3. 2 x Video scripts for the funnel (webinar script for the Lift Funnel)
  4. 2 x Sales script
  5. Crafting and refinement of your offer.
  6. 2 x Funnel Copy
  7. 2 x Sales Page Copy
  8. 2 x Email marketing set-up
  9. 2 x Payment processor integration
  10. Revision within five days of build completion.

The process, once paid is to onboard you into our project management system (Trello).

1. We'll take you through the onboarding process which involves some strategy documents.

2. We then start to create the copy & material.

3. Once we have gone through this process we'll start the build. We give a 30-day (worst-case)

turnaround time.

*There's no guarantee of results. We can't get results for you as the business owner. We can only carry out the right activity to help you get results.

**This service is non-refundable due to the agreed hours involved. Service will be activated on purchase and onboarding initiated.



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30 Days Delivery

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0% Money Back Guarantee This is not a book or a course that you do on your own. We invest a HUGE amount of time, energy, and money to support you every step of the way and we know that our winning strategy works 100% of the time for those who do the work. That's why you need to take 100% responsibility for your results. If you don't do the work, have a change of heart months down the road, or let this slide, that's on you, not us.

James Hughes


Member since June 2019