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5-Figure Summit Funnel




Funnel Building

Summit Funnel


Get your summit funnel built by a Certified ClickFunnels Summit Funnel builder.

What will a summit funnel do for you? A summit funnel is used to grow your list using lists from others. When you create a summit around one topic, you contact influencers or bloggers that focus entirely around one aspect of that topic and ask to include them and their expertise in the summit. For example, a health summit would include someone talking about a certain type of diet, another about exercise, another about supplements, possibly mindset, etc. Part of the package deal for the blogger includes having them promote the summit and their part in it to their list. Many people will also include an affiliate program to the blogger - allowing a portion of the sales that come from their list to be paid back to them.

The summit funnel is an 8 to 10-page funnel depending on how many days you want to present and includes a landing page, the order form with a video sales letter offering the VIP package and an optinal order bump, one upsell page where the next best option is presented, the confirmation page and then one page for each day of the summit.

Typically, the summit is free. Once they optin, they are presented with the VIP package where they can get the replays on-demand. The order bump usually includes additional notes or perhaps a bloopers reel from the recordings. The upsell is usually the next thing they will need like coaching or a physical product like a journal.

This service is only building the funnel. I only build in ClickFunnels (1 or 2) so you will either need to already have an account, or I can help you get one setup. You will create the ideas and content for the summit. You will contact and interview the bloggers and provide me with the edited videos and any handouts they would provide. I will be happy to help out with ideas for order bumps or upsells and will do copywriting for all headlines and any filler copy needed on the funnel - based on what you provide.

Please contact me before purchasing if you have any questions on how this would be put together or if there are any concerns.



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5-Figure Summit Funnel

Refund Policy

Refunds will not be offered once I start to build the funnel. Please contact me before purchasing to go over details so you can be sure you want to move forward and have all your questions answered.

Darcy Winterton


Member since August 2022