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Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session ($997 Value)




Funnel Strategy

Strategy Call


What if I could give you massive clarity on your funnel in just 40 minutes?

Finally removing the distractions and giving you a step by step action plan toward your getting your funnel off the ground and attracting your dream customers…

I get it. This Clickfunnels stuff can be very confusing. 

The whole funnel thing is supposed to be your ticket to fulfill your entrepreneurial dreams. 

But now you’re feeling stuck and not sure where to go next.

Maybe you’re not techy and find yourself spending hours in software but not really getting anything done.

Or maybe you feel the One Funnel Away challenge is just going so fast, you can’t keep up.

I felt the same way 5 years ago when I started this journey into funnels and digital marketing. 

I remember the day so vividly.

I had a new product I was trying to sell to college students to help with their accounting classes.

Sitting in Starbucks staring at my computer not really sure where to go next…

I knew my product could truly serve them but how exactly do I promote it?

What steps do I take? How do I even get started?

All these marketing terms being thrown around but I was so clueless.

Buzzwords like Conversion Copywriting, Funnel Design, Facebook Ads, Customer Avatars, Offer Creation, Value Ladders and more...

And then I had to know the SOFTWARE to piece it all together?!

Funny enough I remember actually looking up the definition of split testing…

I mean what the heck is split testing right?

I was overwhelmed and so exhausted. 

And my head was spinning.

But what begin as a simple question into this brand new world fueled an obsession… 

That started my marketing journey I’ve been on for the last 5 years.

Who Am I and Why Am I Qualified to Help You?

I’m here to tell you it’s ok.

I felt the same way..

But after 5 years working with clients in digital marketing in the agency world and seeing amazing results for all kinds of businesses, I was hooked on serving others!

And have been helping online and offline businesses in marketing in a wide variety of industries:

  • Coaches/Consultants
  • Marketing Agencies
  • E-Commerce Brands
  • Local Service Providers
  • Freelancers
  • Startups
  • B2B
  • B2C

You name, it I’ve seen it!

I sorta study funnels for fun…I know I’m kind of a nerd 🤓

My goal is to bring massive clarity to your entire marketing system and help you build a funnel that will attract your dream customers. 

As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable because you wear many hats. 

So I’m here to step in and save you time becoming your funnel partner. 

Client Results After our Funnel Strategy Sessions!

$95,000 in Sales in just a few weeks!

292 Leads from their Funnel!

304 Leads from their Funnel!

83 Leads from their Funnel!

53 Leads from their Funnel on LinkedIn!

55 Leads from their Funnel!

What do I get in my Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session?

In the 40 Minute Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session, we cover any and all topics related to:

✅ Funnel Audit and Analysis to plug the holes and start driving higher conversions in your Funnel!

✅ Funnel Strategy so you can get massive clarity on your every step of your funnel!

✅ Irresistible Offer Creation so you can effortless attract your customer and boost leads and sales!

✅ Value Ladder Analysis so you know exactly how to structure your offer for maximum profitability!

✅ My Copywriting Secrets so you can speak in an authentic way to your customers making them eager to pull out their wallet every time!

✅ Customer Avatar Creation so you’re super clear on who your audience is and where they are online!

✅ Customer and Competitor Research where I’ll show you my sneaky research methods so you can know exactly the right words to say and beat out your competitors!

✅ Perfect Product Ideas so you know what product/service to sell and how to frame it so it flies off the shelf!

✅ Time Saving Automation Systems where I will show you automations and VA support to help you shave at least 10 hours off your week!

✅ My Software Secrets where I show you how to connect everything together so it works flawlessly (and you don't have to be techy)!

And really anything related to funnels, marketing and business you have questions on, I’m your guy! 

You will have my undivided attention for 40 minutes.

You will leave our session with massive clarity and an actionable game plan to start getting results fast!

I also have 10 years teaching experience so I can break down complex concepts into simplistic terms so you’re never confused, only enlightened.

And as a bonus: Our strategy sessions are recorded so you can reference them whenever you need to.

Let me tell you, you don’t have to do this on your own.

It is your mission bring your message to the world.

And I want to help you achieve that.

And don’t worry, I’m not some nickel and dime type of guy.

What you see is what you get!

You will get my full undivided attention for 40 minutes all for $49.

What's the Catch?

But you might be asking, what’s the catch?

Only $49 for such a transformative service?

Well you see my profile is new here and I want to truly serve as many entrepreneurs as possible.

So I want to make this a no brainer deal where you get the results you want and I can boost my profile at the same time.

It’s a win-win.

So for now, the price is low but as this profile grows, I will be increasing my rates!

Is there a Guarantee?

It's covered by my Bullet Proof Marketing Guarantee.

If for any reason, you aren’t 110% satisfied after our Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session, I will refund you the $49 just for wasting your time.

Your Success if My Success. We’re in this together.

Sound fair enough?

What are the next steps?

Step 1. After clicking purchase, I will send you the funnel strategy document. The link will be provided.

Step 2. Fill out the strategy document which takes 60 seconds. After purchase, I will send you a calendly link to schedule your strategy session.

Step 3. On the day of our call, we will sit down together on zoom and create an exact step by step game plan to help you achieve massive results!

Schedule your Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session right now by clicking the blue purchase button.


Q) Why is this service so inexpensive?

A) I’m hoping to serve as many entrepreneurs as possible with my unique business background. I want to build my profile up so I want to make this offer a no brainer for you. You get groundbreaking results and I get to boost my profile! It’s a win-win!

Q) How long have you been using Clickfunnels and doing marketing strategies?

A) I have been using Clickfunnels since 2017 and have been designing marketing strategies for sales funnels ever since along with helping multiple businesses drive millions in leads from Youtube, Linkedin and Facebook Advertising. 

Q) Do you have a refund policy?

A) If for any reason, you aren’t 110% satisfied after our Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session, I will refund you the $49 just for wasting your time.

So let me ask you:

If all this did was bring massive clarity to your business and the exact steps to get your funnel converting, wouldn't it be worth it?

So what are you waiting for?!

Schedule your Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session right now by clicking the blue purchase button!



Nathaniel was very helpful! I would book another call in the future!


On 15 Jan 2024

My company is in IT and we are building a funnel to drive more leads to our flagship offer. I was very confused on why our funnel wasn’t converting. Nathan’s advice was so insightful. He stripped down our funnel to the bare bones and gave actionable advice on how to fix it. Not only that, he looked at our entire business model and was able to recommend additional service offerings that not only would increase our average revenue per customer but also recommended a continuity program that would give us more ongoing monthly revenue. This strategy call was transformative. I loved his ability to break down complex topics into simple, understandable action points. Definitely a game changer for my business. I have much more confidence now moving my business forward. Thanks Nathan!


On 09 Aug 2022

Nathan is my right hand man for anything marketing, copywriting, and funnels related. I worked with Nathan for 2 years while I ran and managed my digital marketing agency and he consulted with my partner and I on funnel strategy and media buying to scale our agency to 53K+ cash collected months, as well as running ad campaigns for our business owner clients. Not typically one to spend time writing reviews but I can genuinely say that Nathan is nothing short of phenomenal at what he does. As my agency's former CMO, and a trusted advisor as it relates to marketing and funnel strategy, I will be consulting with Nathan. His ability to look into situations with a fresh angle is what really drove my success with our campaigns.


On 08 Aug 2022

I'm a Strategic Website Consultant who previously struggled with the idea of how to pitch and package my service offering into a marketing funnel system that would fill my calendar with willing clients Nathan expertly talked me through a customised funnel strategy and value ladder that was perfect for my business model and would allow me to scale fast in a way that was efficient and sustainable. I would highly recommend Nathan's marketing services to give you the clarity and confidence of how to grow your customer base and scale your business!


On 08 Aug 2022



5 Days Delivery

Refund Policy

And guess what, it’s covered by my Bullet Proof Marketing Guarantee. If for any reason, you aren’t 110% satisfied after our Funnel Accelerator Strategy Session, I will refund you the $49 just for wasting your time. Your Success if My Success. We’re in this together. Sound fair enough?

Nathaniel Garrett


Member since August 2022