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Profitable Ecommerce Email Marketing System Done For You







Setting up and optimizing your e-commerce email system is a great way to increase revenue by 20%, 25%, or more, and provide a better experience for your customers. 

If a 20% or more increase to your monthly bottom line would be worth a one-time investment, you're in the right place...

I have experience with Klaviyo (and many other email systems) in my own business and with clients where we’ve seen great results by setting up and optimizing flows while still sending targeted campaigns that provide value for the customers and build the brand while driving revenue.

Having a good email marketing system, combined with long term & short term planning + implementation, and ongoing optimization can also be a big "lift" for any brand.

With this complete ecommerce email marketing setup, here's what you're going to get:

  1. Set up of Klaviyo for you and integrated to your system (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc) as needed
  2. Overview video of how the system works so you can get up to speed quickly
  3. Email templates created so you can easily create more emails
  4. All email copy written for you and matched to your brand
  5. Automation and design "heavy lifting" done for you (no more tinkering)
  6. Abandon Cart emails & automation
  7. Browse abandon emails & automation
  8. New purchaser emails & automation
  9. Repeat purchaser emails & automation
  10. VIP purchaser emails & automation
  11. Re-engagement emails & automation
  12. Weekly content + conversion emails
  13. 1 Upsell automation
  14. Segmentation set up for you (you keep hearing about it - but have you done it?)


Results matter, right? Adding high quality email automation to your ecommerce store can not only increase revenue, but also build brand loyalty, trust, and so much more.

But let's go back to that 'revenue' part real quick - would results like these be good for your business?

Get those results with automations (flows) that connect with customers and bring them back time and again - just like this abandon cart flow that generated over $12k from the screenshot above:

It may also be helpful to know that I'm a ClickFunnels certified partner, 2 Comma Club Winner, and would be happy to offer my input and expertise in areas outside of strictly email marketing for better results with automation, sales funnels, and more. I’m also part owner of my own ecommerce store - I have experience not only with clients but in my own store with my own “skin in the game”.

Looking forward to helping you add 20% or more to your ecommerce business,

Adam Moody



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Adam Moody


Member since October 2018