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DFY Landing Page Copy - I Will Give You All The Copy Elements Needed For Your Funnel Landing Page





General Copywriting


Can You Really Get Optin Rates Of...

49.6%... 52.8%...

34.4%... 62.8%...

...From Your Landing Page?

Are you ready for the thrill ride of your life…?

Then hold on to your hipster socks and get ready for some fun…

… because you have just received a chance to get a FULL Landing Page Copy Bundle from a True Funnel Expert.

I promise you…

There is no greater thrill than seeing complete strangers signing up in droves and building your email list…

Every Single Day…

New People

Joining Your Tribe

Those stats up top... one of my Landing Pages that I’ve split test without mercy.

Now imagine it’s your Landing Page...

Imagine if 25% of the visitors to your Landing Page join your list… pretty sweet, right? 

So out of 1000 people to your Landing Page, that means 250 of them would become new Leads for your business.  

Now let’s say 5% of them immediately become customers because your offer is so damn good.

You make 12 sales.

You get 12 new customers.

Now imagine…. you went beyond an average Landing Page.

You go with my Landing Page Copy Bundle and it immediately started converting 50% of your visitors into new Leads…

Your offer is still converting at 5%… but now it’s 500 people who see that offer…

Now you’re making 25 sales.

25 sales instead of 12 sales.

You’ve DOUBLED your business from your Funnel because your Landing Page was done right. 

If You Take This 

Landing Page Copy Package You’ll Get:

2 x Kickass Headlines ($97 Value) 

You just provide a little bit of information about your funnel and I do the rest.  You get back a bundle of mind melting, action-inducing Landing Page copy. I’m throwing in not one, but TWO Headlines for you so you can split test right off the bat.. And may the best Headline win!.

Video Optin Script ($197 Value)

A simple video script designed to get people to do one thing:  Join Your Tribe. You just whip out your phone, hit Record, and follow this winning script.  Custom designed for your free reports, free ebooks, and other Lead Generating Assets.

Conversion Inducing ‘Fascinations’ ($997 Value)

Lesser copywriters will put in average bullets and hope for the best. You’ll be getting old school Rosser Reeves Fascinations. (Rosser was the inspiration for Don Draper in Mad Men). 

What’s the difference between a bullet point and a Fascination you say?  People will optin, buy, sign up for, and shove people out of the way to get something… simply because of one single Fascination that they read in your Funnel. 

Trained copywriters who hone their craft into a knife sharp edge… deal in Fascinations.

10 x Hard-Hitting Calls To Action ($997 Value)

You get 10 Calls To Action designed to get people smashing buttons in order to get their sweaty hands on your Lead Magnet.  You can watch your list of email subscribers grow higher each day because you have these Weapons Grade Calls To Action working for you. 

It’s kind of like going on a date:  

You have picked her up, taken her to dinner and a movie… and now these Calls to Action are what seals the deal and gets you invited inside... instead of struck out on the doorstep. 

So you now you have that screaming in your brain saying:

“YES! Give Me This Monster

Landing Page

Copy Bundle…”

You realize:

  • You DON’T want to spend 10 hours trying to come up with a great Landing Page hook, headline, bullets and other things.
  • You DON’T want to get lost in the weeds because you don't know the words that make people opt in. You know it’s hard.  
  • You DO want to let a trained expert who has launched dozens… if not hundreds of landing pages… create all the necessary elements to get people pounding the button to get access to you and your Sales Funnel on Day 1.
  • You DO want to stop bouncing from blog to blog trying to find the “secret formula” to a great landing page.  
  • You DON’T want to just add to your confusion and waste more of your time.

So if you're ready to feel that pep in your step and that glide in your stride...

Because you’re feeling care free and happy…

Because you are not the bottleneck in your business...  

Because you have just activated your copywriting secret weapon (me).

Now I take care of the rest.  

You get to focus on doing what you love with the people that matter. 

DISCLAIMER: I CANNOT promise you any conversion rates... or any conversions at all. I have no idea what kind of traffic quality you send and I don't know how you conduct your business.

My goal is to provide you a Landing Page Copy bundle designed to get people excited to opt in to your Sales Funnel. I've done it successfully in the past.

When done right, you’ll be explaining how you launched your funnel so easily and why you are getting 30%, 40% or even 50% of visitors becoming your new tribe of followers. 

Just click the Buy Now Button

And Let's Get Started



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Refund Policy

You are getting Sales Copy designed to convert. I'm an AWAI Certified Copywriter and a Certified Conversion Marketer. I will do up to 2 x Revisions for you, if needed. But I CAN NOT do a refund. If you have questions about quality, message me for some sample copy.

Shawn Bayley


Member since March 2019