Custom CSS
Do you have some cool bonuses, physical products, upsells, bumps on your order pages?
Does it not make sense to offer them on your OTO?
What if you could show a specific product on the OTO page based on what someone purchased on the Order Form?
You can't do this normally in Clickfunnels. Until now...
We will add code to save locally in the customers browser what is purchased and offer a show/hide function on the OTO for what you want to show them based on what they purchased.
e.g Order Page
Product: BUY MY BOOK
OTO Page
Bought Bump: BUY MY COURSE
Didn't Buy Bump: GET THE AUDIO VERSION FREE WITH MY COURSE (increase the price of course to cover it!)
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10 Days Delivery
Refund Policy
There are some limitations to how this will function, we will add the dynamic OTO to your page based on the above examples, if you want it to do something much more complex, no refunds will be issued if it doesn't do exactly what you want it to. Our standard install will cover 99% of scenarios.
Nathan Shearer
Member since October 2018