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FBM Digest #87: 17 Seinfeld email examples, powerful jingles, and much more... 

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #87: 17 Seinfeld email examples, powerful jingles, and much more... 

I hope you've had a great week so far.


I've uncovered some pretty interesting nuggets for you this week.


Let's dive in...



According to reports...


Businesses that prioritise blogging are 13x more likely to have positive ROI.


That is huge!


This week, marketing expert Dexter Nelson shared 5 tips to make your blog more engaging:


1. Choose topics that matter to your readers

Use tools like Buzzsumo and Google Keyword Planner to find out what is popular with your audience.


What are they searching for? What are they sharing?


This will give you a head start in creating content they'll love.


2. Scannable formatting makes a big difference

Most people simply scan blog posts, as opposed to reading closely.


Here are a few ways to instantly make your content easier to read:

  1. Use short sentences and paragraphs
  2. Add H2 and H3 tags
  3. Use bullet lists
  4. Include images and videos

Research also shows that adding videos to your site makes it 53x more likely to rank on Google.


3. Create a hierarchy of content

For example, start with one long-form ultimate guide. Then, write smaller articles that cover some of the topics mentioned in your guide in greater detail.


This structure will make it easy for readers to get lost in your content as they continue to learn and find topics that catch their interest.


4. Add a search bar

A search bar makes it easy for people to find what they want on your site.


5. Respond to comments

According to customer surveys, people are increasingly interested in interactive experiences when they engage with websites.


Responding to user comments is a great way to connect with your audience and gain valuable insights from them.


Be sure to respond to both positive and negative feedback (within reason)!


Building a blog takes time, but once it's in place, it becomes a very powerful asset for your business.


The biggest issue is knowing what to post and making sure you have everything set up to enable Google to rank your pages.


Without this, your time and effort can go to waste.


If you want an expert to do the hard stuff for you and ensure you get better results faster, send Dexter a message here.






Have you heard of the "Rhyme as Reason" effect?


A study by Matthew S. McGlone and Jessica Tofighbakhsh, published in Psychological Science, found that rhymed phrases are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but are also perceived as more truthful and convincing.


This suggests that incorporating rhymes into marketing messages, slogans, and campaigns is a simple hack to make your brand resonate longer and more deeply with your audience.


They don't even need to be that good...


For example, I randomly notice myself singing the Burger King jingle, "BK, have it your way!"

'Having it my way' is not exactly a big concern when I'm thinking about fast food. But it's catchy and has caused me to think about BK far more than I would have otherwise.

Obviously, rhyming jingles are great but simple messages work well too:






This one is straight from the Marketing Secrets newsletter that I thought you'd find very valuable.


Email still plays a huge role in connecting with your audience and building trust. But where do you start?

These Seinfeld sequence examples will give you some great ideas...


"Want to engage with your subscribers more often, build stronger bonds, and sell more products?


The best way to do that is with Seinfeld daily emails — a concept I originally introduced in my book, DotCom Secrets.

 But I think the best way to learn how to craft these emails… 

…is by looking at real-world examples!


So my team scoured our email inboxes for the best daily Seinfeld-style emails we could find from entrepreneurs who are crushing it.


And then we compiled those into a blog post! Go take a look and get a ton of ideas for how you can create compelling emails every single day.


In fact, I’d bookmark the page so you can come back to it whenever you’re short on ideas. 


Check it out here!"


While creating a welcome sequence like this is very valuable and can lead to a noticeable increase in sales, it is a lot of work to figure out the right thing to say and the right cadence, etc.


If you want to skip all of that and have a high-quality sequence created for you that you can simply copy and paste into your email system, reach out to Jerry O'Brien here.


He's our resident onboarding expert and has helped dozens of businesses create powerful welcome and onboarding sequences.






I found this ClickFunnels webinar funnel yesterday that I'd not come across before and wanted to get your thoughts...


How do you feel about webinars that run every 15 minutes? Do you feel moved to watch them, or are you put off because you know it's a replay? How do you feel about the headline?


Check the funnel out here and let me know what you think.






"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." 

- Robert Collier


Have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here next week.


Beans on toast this 

morning... A British 
