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FBM Digest #84: Testing, the power of contrast, and much more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #84: Testing, the power of contrast, and much more...

Did you happen to sign up for Two Comma Club Live this week?


There was so much incredible information shared at FHL, I'm gathering everyone's #1 takeaway from the event.


If you watched 2CCL or went to FHL, send me your key takeaway, and I'll write a feature for this and the CF newsletter and mention you in them.

Send that over, and then let's dive into this week's nuggets...



Certified Funnel Builder and ClickFunnels Ambassador James Curran shared something he has noticed many clients have missed that can help them increase their conversion rates and sales.

Over to James…

“My main thing is building funnels for attractive characters so they can focus on connecting with and serving their dream customers

But I also get to level up existing funnels from time to time.

The number of funnels that don’t have active split tests is staggering

It’s so easy to do in ClickFunnels that everyone should have an experiment running.

Here’s how:

  1. Load up a funnel step that you want to test.
  2. If you’re not sure where to start, pick the first one that has an opt-in or order form.
  3. Create the split test by duplicating the step.
  4. Change some aspect that you think might result in higher conversions. If you’re not sure what to change, start with the main headline.
  5. Run it for a few weeks and see if your new experiment did better than what you had before! Sometimes it is better, sometimes it isn’t.

What do you want to test in your funnel?"


If you want someone as skilled as James to build a funnel for you to test against your current one, send him a message here.

If James can improve your conversion rates, how much would that be worth to you down the line?


Click here, send him a message, and see what magic he can work up for you.





One of the most powerful levers you can pull to get someone to take action is helping them see the contrast between where they are and where they could be.

Imagine two scenarios:

1. You slowly gain 10lbs of fat over the course of two years.

2. You wake up tomorrow morning and you've gained 10lbs of fat overnight.


You're going to be 100x more motivated to take action in scenario 2 because the contrast is so strong.


This is something you can use in your marketing.


Harry Dry from Marketing Examples gives a great example here:

Think about how you can add contrast to your marketing, and you should see your conversion rates improve significantly.






Let's be honest, the early days of running your own business can be ROUGH.


The ups and downs you experience lead to many people quitting well before their business sees any sort of success. Obviously, we don't want that to be you. We want you to keep pushing that boulder up the hill until you reach the point where it rolls itself!

So, with that in mind, I wanted to share this post by Margot Campbell: "These tips can help you stay motivated to keep working on your side project!

1. Start with why

It's crucial to have a strong "Why?" when working on your side project.

Take a moment to sit in an empty room. Consider why you want to build this and reflect on the reasons behind your desire to create something on your own.

2. Be intentional

To successfully complete your project, you must take it seriously. Treat it with respect. This is essential if you aim to turn it into your main source of income.

This means that even if you can only devote four hours a week to it, those four hours should be scheduled and used effectively. Don't push them out for other work.

3. Break it down into manageable chunks

Put a date on your tasks, but be sure that the dates are actually achievable. If not, this could backfire and make you less motivated.

4. Get it in front of people

Talking to users is not just about gathering feedback for your product and understanding their needs. It’s also about motivation.

There's no better source of motivation than having people actually use your product.

5. Track your progress

Tracking your goals allows you to see how far you've come and how close you are to reaching your next milestone. This can be a great motivator to keep going.

6. Journal

Building solo products is hard and stressful. At times, you may feel overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to complete to build a successful product. Journaling can help you manage anxiety and reduce stress.

Start with two simple questions: What did I accomplish today? What did I struggle with today? Set aside a few minutes every day to write.

7. Don't beat yourself up

We are all human, and it's okay to make mistakes. Take a break for a day or two if you need to, but don't stay away for too long.

8. Find an accountability partner or community

An accountability partner will help you stay on track while you work towards achieving your goals. They can help you ship your project and stay motivated. You can be accountable without a partner by building in public, but that's not for everyone.

I have encountered this problem, so I decided to create a platform and community that will help you stay motivated, and keep you from abandoning your project!





The funnel this week is well worth a look...


It's a new product from a big brand and has surely had A LOT of money spent on getting it right.

Add the product to your cart and see how they use bumps and other little offers along the way to increase your order value.

Look at the style they use, the information they include, etc.

Check out the funnel here.





“Tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating. You know you can’t bore people into buying your product, you can only interest them into buying it.”

- David Ogilvy


And that wraps up another newsletter...

Have a great weekend and let's make next week a big one! And, don't forget to send me your FHL or 2CCL takeaways if you went/watched.


I get a decade older next

week 🫠