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FBM Digest #82: $7k launch insights, SEO in 2024, and much more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #82: $7k launch insights, SEO in 2024, and much more...

It's that time again!


I've been searching the web this week to find you some gold I think will help enhance your efforts. 


Let's dive into them...



Dan Mennear helps businesses dominate social media, covering everything from growing a big organic audience to running ads that convert.


This week he shared the #1 mistake he sees people make when building their audience...


Most people will post regular content, reply to all comments, and actively reach out to and follow people to grow their following.

However, this endeavour rarely translates into leads for their product or service.


In order to build a following that is useful for your business, you must align your audience on social media with the target market of your product.

Most people only care about follower numbers or impressions. While these can be useful, they're useless if those followers don't align with your expected customer base. 

If you'd like Dan to strategise a plan for you to generate a social media following that drives constant leads to your business, send him a message here.





Given how much is changing with the growth of AI and increasing numbers of people turning to social media to find answers to things, Google SEO is likely to shift significantly to keep up with the trends of 2024.

Here are 3 changes experts believe will be coming this year:

1. New Google updates and features to reward expert content

It's believed that by the end of 2024, almost 50% of the content online will be AI-generated. 

As you may well know, this content isn't exactly stellar...

So, expect to see updates to boost content created by humans and experts. 


2. Niche keywords and manual research will be vital

In 2024, targeting trending or zero-volume keywords will be critical.


In an AI-dominated era, content marketers who engage in hands-on research for their topics will stand out.


This manual approach will lead to more traffic and better engagement as it taps into the specific, often unaddressed interests of audiences.


3. Thought leadership will separate the wheat from the chaff

The increase in low-quality AI content on the web will lead to apprehension and distrust among readers.


In response, people will naturally gravitate towards thought leaders for reliable information.

Authentic and original insights from thought leaders enhance your brand's reputation and credibility, key factors in Google's content quality assessment.


Honestly, I think building your list is more important now than ever and having a newsletter that provides constant value is the #1 way to protect your business.

While being a thought leader on social media is beneficial, it will eventually get taken away from you with algorithm changes rendering many groups and followings useless.


I would even argue that also having your own app and sharing content through that is the play to protect yourself in the longer term. 

We're already seeing companies like Google and Apple start to clamp down harder on what emails reach the inbox. They're not going to get any more lenient, it will only get worse.





Jay Tan recently posted the details of his $7k launch to share exactly what he did and how he could have done better.

Check it out here:

"I hit $7K in launch sales in five days. I was hoping to at least crack the five figure mark, but I made some mistakes that hampered my sales.

Where I launched

I have a small audience: 2K followers on X. No TikTok, no Instagram, no YouTube, nothing else.

What I did have was a list of 7K emails that I've amassed over the years from free trials, lead magnets, newsletter signups, etc.


Unfortunately, those emails were stale, as I rarely emailed them at all. Regardless, I decided to leverage that list, and launch my new product to them.

‍What I did

My new product was Zylvie, a platform to sell digital products. I knew that, in order to jumpstart sales and have a successful launch, I needed to offer something unprecedented, something people couldn't refuse.

I decided to do a 0% commission lifetime deal. Most platforms take 5-10% in commissions or monthly fees.

To increase conversions, I decided to limit my launch deal to the first 100 buyers, run it for five days in total, and add a countdown timer.


For about seven days leading up to the launch date itself, I sent out a few email broadcasts with valuable info. They're short, one-minute reads, but I tried to make them as insightful as possible. Towards the end of the email, I dropped hints that I had an upcoming launch offer coming for my new product.

Here are the subject lines for my three pre-launch emails:

  1. "Just a few quick tips for Black Friday!"
  2. "Digital products are the key to escaping the rat race."
  3. "The formula for a successful product business."
  4. A few of my email subscribers even replied with positive feedback!


I decided to launch on Cyber Monday, and for each day of the five-day launch, I sent out one email promoting the deal.

These are purely promotional, but for each one, I added something new: A testimonial, sales receipts for social proof, FAQs, etc.

On the last day, I sent out three emails: one for 12 hours, eight hours, and three hours before the deadline. You wouldn't believe the number of unsubscribes I got from doing that, but I'm still glad I did, since sales spiked towards the end of the deal.


Day zero: $2,114.78.

Day one: $1,229.87.

Day two: $134.95.

Day three: $449.91.

Day four: $1,629.82.

Day five: $1,529.84.

Total: $7,089.17.

What surprised me was that, on average, each email subscriber was worth about $1.

What I did right

  1. Multiple plans ranging from $99.99 to $499.95.
  2. Promo codes for customers residing outside the US or EU (parity pricing).
  3. Emailing daily during the entire launch period.
  4. Updating my landing page and sales letter with social proof or FAQ answers throughout the launch.
  5. Honoring the end time of my deal.

What I did wrong

  1. Not setting up an affiliate program beforehand.
  2. Not launching simultaneously in LTD Facebook Groups, like Ken Moo and LTD Hunt.
  3. Ending the deal on a Saturday night. Most people aren't at their computers at this time.
  4. Launching on Cyber Monday, when most people already have buying fatigue from Black Friday."





Given Jay had a great launch, I thought it would be valuable for you to see the landing page he used.

It's not clean by any means, there are no testimonials, and the product images don't fill me with confidence that it's going to be a quality product.

I would argue many of the purchases were impulse buys based purely on Jay creating a strong offer. This goes to show how powerful a good offer and scarcity really are.


That's just my opinion though. Check the landing page out here and let me know your thoughts.






“Even when you are marketing to your entire audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time.”

- Ann Handley


That's it for this week my friend! Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here next Friday.


My friends and I all turn

40 this year and are

heading to Vegas to 

celebrate. Any 

recommendations on

things to do?