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FBM Digest #75: Working memory, how to go viral on Reddit, and much more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #75: Working memory, how to go viral on Reddit, and much more...

The One Funnel Away Challenge is really heating up and it's been great to see so many participants coming over to the marketplace.


It's just like old times!

While helping everyone find the best marketplace expert for their project, I've still had time to uncover some gold for you this week.


Here it is...


As you know, creating compelling marketing copy isn't just about the right words; it's about tapping into the emotions that drive your customers.


Expert copywriter George Pappas sent me some psychological gold this week to share with you that will help you do just that.


Here it is...


7 Psychological Triggers To Elevate Your Marketing.

1. Exclusivity (making customers feel special): 

"The first 100 subscribers will get VIP access to our new product launch!" Exclusivity makes the audience feel like they're part of a special/inside group. By genuinely building something special for a small group of your customers, you will go a long way to gaining long-term fans.

2. Trust and Credibility (building reliability):

 "Trusted by 752 customers. See what our customers say about us." Real customer numbers, testimonials, and expert opinions enhance trust.

3. Status and social standing: 

The desire to be admired and respected by our peers is engraved in our nature. For instance, copy for a luxury brand might say: "Stand out from the crowd with our new, exclusive designer collection."

4. Empathy (showing understanding and care):

 "Struggling with [problem]? We understand. Our solution eases your stress and helps you..." Demonstrating empathy can forge a deeper connection.

5. Vision of a Brighter Future (inspiring optimism and aspiration):

 "Imagine a world where [problem] is no longer an issue. With our [product/service], that future is not just a dream, it's a reality." Paint a picture of a positive future, making the customer envision the better life or situation your product or service can create for them.

6. Surprise and Delight (offering unexpected bonuses):

 "Order now and get a surprise gift! We love delighting our customers." Offering free gifts can create positive associations with your brand.

7. Simplicity and Clarity (making things easy to understand):

 "Our tool makes [complex process] simple. Easy setup, clear instructions, and straightforward results." Emphasize ease and clarity in using your product.

Each trigger, when effectively used, can make your marketing more impactful, resonating with the audience's emotions and driving them to take action." If you would like George to improve the power of the copy on your landing pages, send him a message here.


Many of us business owners and entrepreneurs don't have huge sums of money to spend on marketing.


We have to find creative ways to market our products and services.


Yesterday, I came across a case study by Robin Saulet detailing how he went viral on Reddit and knew I had to share it with you here.


Over to Robin...


"Going viral on Reddit and generating a flood of signups is not as impossible as you might think.

With just a few simple steps, I managed to generate 100K+ views for one of my posts, and I got 90 signups for the launch of in just one day. Here's how!

1. Identify key subreddits

Pinpoint the subreddits where your potential users hang out. I ended up with this list:

  1. r/RoastMyStartup
  2. r/EntrepreneursRideAlong
  3. r/AlphandBetaUsers
  4. r/Microsaas
  5. r/Sideproject
  6. r/IMadeThis
  7. r/Internetisbeautiful


2. Craft a hook that captivates

90% of success is in your post's title (the hook). It needs to evoke emotion and curiosity. The higher the emotional value, the better.

For this part, I followed this simple advice: Find the posts with the most upvotes and copy their style.

I also noted that most of the posts that generate traction start with one of these three hooks:

  1. "I made…" → Present your own story.
  2. "I worked at…" → Include big names.
  3. "I got __ views…" → Include specific numbers.


3. Use engaging content that tells a story

Talk about why you built your product, what it does, and how people can use it. Give your story a beginning, middle, and end.

4. Engage

Answer every single comment you get, but always leave 2–3 comments unchecked. Then, when the replies slow down, leave a comment under those unchecked ones.

5. Dissect

Analyze what went well and what could have been improved. Find the lessons in the results.

Engagement is the heartbeat of virality. Also, posts that include video tend to get more views than those that don't, depending on the subreddit."


It sounds very straightforward. If you give this a try, let me know how you get on.



Programmer JYK, posted an article this week that offers an interesting approach to memory and problem solving.


The example at the bottom is about buying a house but think about how this strategy can help you in terms of growing your business... 


"Our memory sucks, in both the short term and the long term. Short-term memory in particular, specifically working memory, is abysmally small. But everything changes with a simple sheet of paper.



Artificial working memory and decision-making


Paper is a tool that expands your practical working memory. I call this artificial working memory. No, it has nothing to do with AI or machine learning. It is simply any tool that expands your practical working memory, allowing you to solve more complex problems.


Overriding the limit of our biological working memory with artificial working memory is a key to making better decisions.


Decision-making is a hard, complex endeavour. To make better decisions, in simple terms, write things down.

Treat decision-making like it is a math problem.


Leveraging artificial working memory for decision-making


There are three simple steps:

  1. Write down the main problem and all obstacles and decisions that relate to it.
  2. Break the problem down into manageable sub-problems, and solve those problems.
  3. Use the answers to the sub-problems to then solve the main problem.


A real-world example

Let’s say you’ve decided to buy a house. You have hundreds of pieces of information. Write down what your choices are, what your priorities are, and what is non-negotiable. Size requirement? Write that down. Budget? Write that down.

When your choices are narrowed down to just a few houses that match all of your most important criteria, start looking at the details. Write down what you really like and hate about each house.

Finally, after you have all this information written down for the houses you think are the best candidates, start comparing them to make a final choice.

Ten years later, when you feel the need to move again, you can look back on what you prioritized and what you didn’t in your house buying experience, and reflect on the mistakes you made during the process.

You can apply this same process to a business decision, engineering decision, or relationship problem."


The funnel this week is for mouth tape of all things...


What I like about the funnel is that it ticks all the boxes:

  1. It has a strong headline
  2. The bullets clearly showcase the benefits
  3. The image shows you exactly how the product looks and works
  4. If you travel further down the page, there are pain points, expert testimonials, and even a simple gif showing how easy the product is to use

Check the funnel out here and let me know what you think.




"On Average, eight out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only two out of 10 will read the rest."

– Brian Clark

Have a great weekend,


Went to a new putt putt

place in Nashville at the

weekend and the boss

beat me!