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FBM Digest #73: How to save 75% on your ads, the perfect funnel for your business, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #73: How to save 75% on your ads, the perfect funnel for your business, and more...

Did you see, ClickFunnels have just launched the new version of the One Funnel Away Challenge!


The concept is the same as before but Russell has completely revamped the training.


For a lot of people, the original challenge was what helped them launch their funnel, quit their day job, and propel them towards the 2 Comma Club.  

This new version will contain Russell's latest techniques and strategies you need to launch a highly successful funnel. And it's free!

If you would like to take part, you can learn more about the challenge and sign up here.


Have a look and then let's dive into this week's nuggets...




Marketing and ads expert Aiman shared a very cool experience/case study with me this week.

If you're running ads, this is for you...


"We recently faced a challenge in an ad campaign for a course.


"While the campaign was performing well, we noticed the cost per click (CPC) on the Facebook newsfeed was $2, which is higher than our usual rate. This wasn't surprising given it's Q4 and ad space is highly competitive.

"To tackle this, we experimented by adapting the ad with the same script and copy but reformatted it for Facebook stories and Instagram reels.

"The results were remarkable: our CPC dropped to $0.50, a 75% reduction in acquisition costs. Impressively, sales remained consistent, effectively boosting our profit with this simple adjustment.

"This case study highlights an important point: Facebook stories and Instagram reels are currently underutilized and offer great value."


If you're running Facebook ads, this is definitely worth a try. Imagine dropping your CPC by 75%!


On top of that, Aiman told me that he is running a Black Friday promotion on his services.

If you want to hire a marketing expert to increase the traffic coming to your funnel, send Aiman a message here and get him at a super low price.


Recently, we quizzed our 18,000+ Funnel Builder Marketplace members to find out their most common questions in regard to funnels.

The #1 response we received was, ‘Which funnel is best for my product/service?’

And it makes sense…

With so many funnels on offer, how do you know which is best for you and your business?


If you’ve read DotCom Secrets, you’ll be familiar with this image:

In DotCom Secrets, Russell explains that the best funnel for you is typically decided by the price of the product you’re offering. 


Here are Russell’s recommendations:


First Step (Getting users to opt-in):

  1. Lead “Squeeze” Funnel
  2. Survey Funnel
  3. Summit Funnel

Second Step (Selling a $1 - $99 Offer):

  1. Book (Free+Shipping) Funnel
  2. Cart Funnel
  3. Challenge Funnel

Third Step ($100 - $2000 Offer):

  1. Video Sales Letter Funnel
  2. Webinar Funnel
  3. Product Launch Funnel

Fourth Step ($2000+ Offer):

  1. Application Funnel

These funnels are best at selling offers in those price ranges. 

So now, when you’re thinking about which funnel is best for your offer, simply match the funnel type with the price of your offer.


But, what if you don’t have a value ladder built out and you are actually looking to create your first product… 

Where should you start?

Depending on your market, many funnel hackers recommend starting on the third step because it’s often easier to become profitable with higher ticket items, and you can use this revenue to build the lower steps of your value ladder.  


This is more of a very special offer than a tip...


For many businesses, Christmas is the biggest selling period of the year.


For others (especially coaches), people wanting to get the new year off to a great start is a huge opportunity.


Funnel design and marketing expert, Tanya Wolfaardt, has created a special offer aimed at anyone who wants to make the most of this period but may have left it a little late to build out the necessary funnels.


As part of this offer, Tanya will give you the following funnel templates:

  1. Christmas Challenge Funnel: Engage your audience with a unique, interactive Christmas challenge.
  3. Link in Bio Funnel: Perfect for social media, this funnel maximizes your bio link's potential.
  5. Festive Season One Page Funnel: A streamlined, single-page funnel for quick and effective holiday promotions.
  7. Landing Page: Craft a compelling entry point for your holiday campaigns.
  9. Festive Season Coach Application Funnel: Ideal for coaches looking to attract clients during the festive season.


Tanya is offering these funnels for just $1!


If you're considering running a holiday promotion, at this price, you may as well take the offer just to have them. If you're interested, you can find out more here.




The funnel this week is none other than the funnel that won Brooke Giroux’s The Funnel Games!!


Brooke's funnel doubled the conversion rate of the control, so there is a lot to take from this.


Click below to see Brooke’s page and the original control page:


Brooke’s landing page

The control page


Then, if you want to speak to Brooke about building or improving your funnel, speak to her here.




"On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar." – David Ogilvy (often referred to as the "Father of Advertising")

Have a great weekend,


I hope you had a great

Thanksgiving if you

celebrate it!