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FBM Digest #70: Funnel design tips, how to market to Gen Z, and more..

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #70: Funnel design tips, how to market to Gen Z, and more..

I hope you've had a great week!


Our Product Manager, Seth, started his own newsletter a few weeks ago all about wrestling (if you're into wrestling you can 

check it out here).

His design looked great. It's very easy to read. So, I thought I'd borrow some of his design ideas and implement them here.


Let me know what you think...



If you're interested in designing attractive, professional-looking landing pages that convert your audience, this is for you...


Yesterday, resident design expert Tanya Wolfaardt joined me to host a webinar all about funnel aesthetics.


Tanya dived into the psychology of colour, where to place testimonials and the strategy behind impactful funnel layout—all distilled into actionable insights you can apply immediately.

You check out the webinar here.

If you don't have time to watch right now, here are a few of the quick action tips Tanya shared:

1. Design Hierarchy

You know your landing has to catch people's attention in the right way. Make sure your headline, image, and CTA are all obvious at first glance and not blended into preheads, subheads, and other text.


2. Keep It Clean and Simple:

You want your message to be easy to understand quickly. It's tempting to make our landing pages colourful and have fancy backgrounds but they often distract your visitor away from what you want them to do. Keep pages clean and simple. Black text on a white background is the easiest for people to read.


3. Call to Action Has To Be Above The Fold:

Put your most important call to action (like 'Sign Up' or 'Learn More') where people can see it without scrolling. This is the part of your page that people see first, so make sure your main action is impossible to miss. This isn't normally an issue on desktop but it is often something people miss on mobile.


If you want to talk with Tanya about helping with your funnel design, whether that's the pages themselves or graphics and logos, send her a message here.


She also has a couple of freebies from the webinar and the checklist she mentions. You can grab those from her by sending her a message here too.




If a major portion of your market is Gen Z (those aged 18 to 29), recent studies have shown you need 3 things to win their hearts...


1. A social media presence is more important than ever

According to a report by ICSC about 86% of Gen Z shoppers say social media sways their buying decisions. 


If this is your market (or will become your market in the next few years), a social media presence is more important than ever.


Not having a social media presence is like not showing up in the Google search results. If they can't find anything about you on social media, they will assume something's not right.

That's not the only thing that is changing...


2. Celebrity endorsements don't carry the same weight

In the early 2000s, celebrity endorsements carried a lot of weight with customers However, Gen Z doesn’t believe or care if a millionaire uses a certain product.


According to Savannah Wei Shi, a researcher of consumer decision-making on digital platforms, customers in this age range aren’t using search engines or official brand websites to shop anymore.


For Gen Z, a product is worth buying because the right person (often someone they stumbled upon on their TikTok feed) has it. 


3. They want to communicate with your business like you are peers

This age group assumes sending a message to a support email address is a complete waste of time. They want to be able to communicate with your business on an equal footing. They want conversations to feel like they're talking to a friend.


Even if they're not your demographic right now, I'd imagine these preferences will stay with them throughout their lives.


And, I don't know about you but, while I'm not a social media user, I'd prefer genuine product testimonials over those by celebs who only promote something for money and wouldn't it be great if customer support was like reaching out to a friend??




Apple has just rolled out its Pay Later option across the whole of the US.

This means, that if you are a US-based business owner and have a product or service between $75 and $1,000, US-based customers can now check out with Apple Pay and choose to pay over 6 weeks with no interest or fees. 

All your customer has to do is (on their iPhone or iPad) choose Apple Pay at checkout and select Pay Later.


This will take them through a short process to complete checkout.


Assuming it goes through ok, Apple will pay you immediately, and handle getting the payment from your customer.


While you may wonder if offering payment over 6 weeks will make much of a difference, a report from Klarna states that businesses offering Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) see:

  1. A 30% increase in conversion rates
  2. A 41% increase in average order value

According to a report by Statista, older Gen Z and Millennials are more likely than other age groups to use BNPL to finance their purchases.

If you're using ClickFunnels Classic, you can enable Apple Pay on particular funnels by going into your payment integration and ticking the funnel you need it on in the list. You can then add the Apple Pay option on your checkouts via the widget in the page builder.


If you're using 2.0, the team at ClickFunnels told me they're in the process of setting it up for 2.0 so that won't be far behind. Let your customers know this is an option and see if it generates 30% higher conversions and a 41% increase in AOV.  



I think the funnel this week is going to be different to anything you're used to, but I think you're going to like it!


Instead of leading the visitor towards one 'thing', this page offers them a suite of 'things' in the hope they'll keep coming back and eventually click that CTA.


Check it out, utilize the tools on offer and let me know what you think.


Here's the funnel



"Increase thy ability to earn — Cultivate thy own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skilful, to so act as to respect thyself." – George S. Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon"

Have a great weekend,



My brother, wife, and I

got to watch our uncle

get inducted into the

Nashville business hall

of fame this week!