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FBM Digest #69: Dominating Black Friday sales, boosting Linchpin sales, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #69: Dominating Black Friday sales, boosting Linchpin sales, and more...

Happy Friday! I hope you've had a great week.


Here are 5 of the best sales and marketing tips I've come across this week...



A few weeks back, James Hughes stopped by to share behind the scenes of a Linchpin funnel he built that his client is having huge success with.


In the webinar, James shared a lot of gold, including the exact framework and answering a wide variety of questions on how to make the Linchpin funnel work for them too.


Check out the webinar here and if you're looking to add a linchpin funnel to your business and want James to set this up for you, make sure to send him a message here.



If you're thinking of running a Black Friday sale, why not reward your existing customers with early access?

Come Black Friday, your customers are going to have offers coming at them thick and fast. So, not only does offering early access make your offer more prominent, it also has a lot of implied scarcity...


Your customer is getting their pick of the offers before everyone else comes in and buys them.


If you're offering digital products, you could limit the number available to drive scarcity even higher.



While we're on the topic of linchpin funnels...


If you're selling a course or subscription and sales aren't where you want them to be, Perry Belcher recommends adding a premium to significantly boost sales.


We discussed the Sports Illustrated Football Phone and how that transformed their magazine subscriptions many Digests back.


Now, with many business owners implementing the linchpin funnel, it feels like a good time to remind you of the power of premiums.


The good news is, you don't have to offer something as outlandish as a football phone...


A tire company saw a huge jump in sales by offering to send Valentine's Day roses to the partner of anyone who got their tires changed with them.


Other companies do well offering t-shirts, high-quality pens, and stickers. One of Perry's clients saw an 18% increase in signups just by offering a free coffee mug!


And, more good news, you don't have to get the premium perfect the first time. You can spitball ideas, decide which item you think could work well, and add it to your offer to see how well it does. 


Offering something for free isn't going to hurt your offer, is it?


There is one caveat, to be truly beneficial, your premium should be a physical product you send to your customer.


But, even more good news...


There are lots of companies available now that offer print-on-demand. This means you don't have to carry a large inventory of products, you only pay when someone purchases your offer.


This process can be easily automated too so you don't even need to think about it.


Imagine if you put your logo or slogan on a mug and it increased sales by 18%...



The funnel this week is a product launch funnel Larry Adamson built for a customer selling a pretty unique product.


This funnel has tripled income for this product so is definitely worth checking out:


Here's the funnel.


Then, if you need someone to build you a high-converting product launch funnel (or any funnel for that matter) send 

Larry a message here and see what he can do for you.



"Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself."

– P. T. Barnum

Have a great weekend,


Heading to a Halloween

house called The 13th Gate

outside New Orleans 

tonight... should be fun 😨