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FBM Digest #63: Billboards, blogs, and much more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #63: Billboards, blogs, and much more...

I hope you've had another productive week. Quick question...


We're planning a series of online events for the next few months. Is there anything specific you would like to see?


For example, would you like a workshop on a particular funnel? A webinar all about design? A masterclass on SEO?


Reply to this email with the event you would love to see and I'll make it happen.


We have a Meet Expert Funnel Builders event today at 12pm central time US. If you'd like to chat one-on-one with some of our certified funnel builders and get their advice on your funnel, save your spot here and I'll see you there!


Once you've done that, head back here, and let's dive into the nuggets I've uncovered for you this week...




This isn't specifically a tip from one of our experts (although our very own James Curran does make an appearance) but is something I wanted to send your way because it is packed with great info...


Last month, the ambassadors at ClickFunnels created a 5-part series on how to build a business from scratch.


They literally walked from start to finish on how to get your business off the ground and selling products or services.


Bearing in mind, Danny Walsh (one of the hosts) has won the 2 Comma Club award, if you're at the beginning of your business or aren't having the level of success you want, I'm certain you will find some gold here:


Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


(Btw, you need to be part of the ClickFunnels Facebook group to access these).


I discovered this week from Harry Dry that there's a new-ish trend hitting the marketing world that you might be interested in...


You've probably seen digital billboards while you're out and about. Well, you can advertise on these digital billboards for much less than it would cost to advertise on a normal one.


So, what businesses are doing is paying a small price to advertise on one, writing something funny/controversial/clever and posting it on social.

And because of the authority factor of a billboard, it has a much higher chance of going viral on social media.

For example, Pieter Levels promoted his remote jobs board on the day Apple announced employees must return to the office.


This post got 1.5M impressions.

This one ended up getting 20M impressions:

As billboards are still assumed to be very high authority and expensive investments, giving this a try could lead to a lot of great exposure.


Have a look for options in your area and let me know if you give it a try. I'll certainly post it here!




This is a big one...


Every now and then someone will email asking for access to the old newsletters. We've always planned to get them out into the world but haven't had the time to set up a page.


That all changed last week with the addition of our brand-new blog page!


We're working through getting the old newsletters/digests onto the page so check it out here (or via the FBM Blog link at the bottom of the marketplace).


Take a look and start uncovering that old gold...

But, there's more...


1. If you've been sending emails or posting on social media, repurposing your content like this is a great way to provide your audience with more value, and it will improve your SEO.


2. If you have some great content that you think other community members would find valuable, send it my way and I can include that too. Not only will that boost your SEO even further, but it's also a great way to signal social proof to your current audience.


Feel free to reply to this email or send one to me directly ( and I'll take a look.



There has been a lot of buzz around Alex Hormozi in the past few weeks so this week's funnel is his...


The purpose of showing you this funnel is two-fold:


1. Notice how ridiculously simple the funnel is. 

2. Alex obviously does a lot of marketing so (I would guess?) everyone coming to the page would have to have consumed a fair amount of his content before moving forward.


Let me know your thoughts.


Here's the funnel.



"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."

- Joel Brown

Have a great weekend,


My wife just told me I'm

an LSU football fan,

which is exciting news.

Any other college

football fans here?