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Newsletter #6: Stress, Healthy Living, and Increased Productivity

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Newsletter #6: Stress, Healthy Living, and Increased Productivity

Get up and scream, 

“Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!”

 if you agree that good health is underrated.



Don’t do that. I was only kidding.

But, jokes aside, 

Good health is indeed underrated.


Entrepreneurs are known for their grinding spirit. 


If we aren’t brainstorming ideas and planning for our next big launch, we are either trying to close another deal or working with our team to ensure we outperform our competitors—

by steadily providing our clients with the best service imaginable


 While striving to build a thriving business is no bad idea, we often end up becoming 


—paying less attention to our health and wellbeing. And that’s where the issue lies.

Today’s newsletter is all about healthy living. You’ll discover why business owners should take care of themselves. I’ll also be sharing a few tips that could help make you healthier and happier in no long time from now.


Let’s dig right in!




Creative burnout

 is real. So, as much as the grinding culture seems like every entrepreneur’s thing nowadays, you still need to take proper care of yourself.


You’ll think better, manage your team effectively, and deliver your best work when your health is at its peak. 


Want to become a healthier business owner? Prioritize these seven things from now on:

  1. Exercise regularly - You can check out WebMD’s exercise recommendations here.
  2. Eat healthily - Cut down on sugary and processed foods.
  3. Get sufficient sleep (and throw in some midday naps when possible).
  4. Drink enough water - Dehydration ruins productivity.
  5. Manage your stress efficiently - Don’t attempt to do everything yourself. Outsource some tasks.
  6. Get social - Spend time with family and friends, meet new people, and go on vacations.

Set (and stick to) a daily working schedule—and try not to work outside of this period.


The tips above are probably not new to you. However, you are most likely not implementing them—religiously. 


Change things up today and begin to prioritize your health and wellbeing.




Here are four resources I recommend you check out today:

  1. Is Your Workaholic Behavior Hurting Your Team? The Answer Is Yes.
  2. The Entrepreneurial Diet for Business Success
  3. 15 CEOs on How Much Sleep They Actually Get
  4. Every Entrepreneur Needs These 3 Vacations




Jordan Hoopingarner

 is a professional sales funnel consultant. He has helped thousands of entrepreneurs skyrocket their revenues by building high-converting funnels for their businesses, auditing existing funnels, and offering other professional services.


Want Hoopingarner to assist you on your funnel-building journey? 

Check out his services here.




Don’t wait until your body system riots before you start paying close attention to your health.


Prioritize taking good care of yourself.


We’ve gone over several tips you could implement today to become a better and healthier business owner. 


Don’t just read them and move on to the next task on your to-do list. Instead, implement at least one of the things you’ve learned today.


Remember that building a successful business is a marathon, not a sprint. Take things one step at a time. 


Work. Rest. Thrive.


Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content