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FBM Digest #58: A Facebook ad trick, how to make influencers love you, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #58: A Facebook ad trick, how to make influencers love you, and more...

Hey, I hope you've had a productive week. Here is some gold I have found for you around the web:



I had a lightbulb moment this morning and think it might be able to help you make some great connections that generate lots of traffic (if you implement it)...


Truth be told, very few people reach out to me offering up content and case studies, or asking if they can promote their business in this newsletter.


It's been this way since we started the newsletter. And, it made me think...


I bet it's like this for most people who create content.


I bet, right now in your market, there are thousands of influencers sitting at their laptop or on their phone trying to come up with content or searching for ways to grow their audience.


Thousands of people who would genuinely love it if you reached out and gave them content they can use or would love it if you promoted them in some way.


I can tell you now, if you send me something good that I can add to this newsletter or a testimonial for the marketplace, I will have very positive feelings towards you and will actively seek to repay you in some way.


So, I'm going to implement this in my new newsletter for one of my own businesses.


I am going to find great content created by influencers in the niche and I'm going to include it in the newsletter and make sure the reader knows who gave me this golden nugget. 


Then, I'm going to send them a message saying hi, thanking them for the content and that I shared it (and their profile) with my audience, and see if it builds a relationship.


I'll report back how this goes and give you any interesting lessons I learn.

If you have any other ideas along these lines, let me know and I'll share it in next week's newsletter (along with info about how they can check out you and your business!)




I stumbled upon a very underrated FB ads feature this week...


I always thought each new ad needed it's own creative and was completely standalone to the others.


I would run the same ad image to 5 different audiences and wish instead of one having 50 likes, another having 37, a third having 73, the likes could be combined so all ads show 160 likes.


I thought it was impossible...


Until I discovered this week, when creating an ad, you can select to use an existing post as the creative and just add the post id!!

If you're running ads on Facebook, I'd recommend having a look because the increased social proof should improve engagement considerably. I'm going to test this over the weekend.




Shweta Goyal created an Instagram reel that hit 446,272 plays and shared her very simple formula for achieving this:


"Researching your target audience's pain points + Creating content that resolves those pain points = Viral content


How did I do this?


I went to Google and searched for keywords related to the industry.


For example: If you're creating content for a mental health coach, search "mental health" on Google.


Scroll down to "People also ask" and you'll get a lot of questions people are asking about it.


Now, answer them through your content.


It's quite simple, but not everyone implements it.


PS: Don't forget to optimize the right content format (Static post, Carousel, Reel, etc)"

You could consider using the PAS formula (Pain, Agitate, Solution) and make the solution new or novel but believable (for example, I saw a video about a cough solution that involves simply mixing onions with honey. It had been shared millions of times.)


Think of some questions and answers you can come up with for your business. I'm sure there are some obscure/rarely asked questions that most people have that you can answer...



The funnel this week is a 'Save your seat' for a lady named Cathy Yoder. Cathy is one of the top air fryer cooks on YouTube and is launching her first course next week. (And she's one of the speakers at FHL this year!)

One of the reasons I wanted to include this is because I love the landing page design. It's different from what you normally see but I feel it works very well.


Check it out here and let me know your thoughts!


"Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once."

– Drew Houston, Dropbox founder and CEO

Have a great weekend,


Are you a boating fan?

Before moving to America

I'd hardly ever been on

one but love them now!

(I'm also warming towards

these sun hats haha!)