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FBM Digest #57: High converting opt-ins, 3 steps to SEO mastery, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #57: High converting opt-ins, 3 steps to SEO mastery, and more...



I hope all is well on your end. I'm about to head to the beach for the weekend but I go, I've got another set of gold nuggets to (hopefully) enhance your success next week...



I found this during my research this week and thought it was a great example of how to decide upon your next product. 


Veed, Mira, and Canva's strategy for building their product can be summed up in one line:

Make stuff people search for.

It's clever because it simultaneously validates demand (people are searching) and distribution (you reach them via organic search).

The result is in this instance is hundreds of tools and templates in cute little subfolders.

1/ - $1.1M/mo traffic. 150 tools.

2/ - $240k/mo traffic. 311 templates.

3/ - $491k/mo traffic. 1000+ templates.


How does this work practically?

Well, you start by making a list of everything customers might search for. Then you're looking for a combination of high traffic value and low keyword difficulty and cost.

That's the most valuable thing to make.



When you have a product idea in mind, I found a simple approach you can you to create your first lead magnet:

  1. Make something customers want.
  2. Make it easy to get.

For example:

Something people want. Very easy to get.




It's not often you hear people talking about SEO in the Clickfunnels world but this from Harrison Broadbent provides a fantastically simple template to follow:

"SEO may seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. It's actually pretty easy to get started and build traffic. Here's how:

The SEO show

When you're focusing on SEO, you have three main goals:

1. Find good keywords to target in your content.

2. Create useful, informative content that targets those keywords.

3. Share, promote, and distribute the content to build up backlinks to your site.

It's kind of like a loop:


This is a pretty typical feedback loop, and it takes a long time to get going! That's what people mean when they say SEO is slow. You're starting from zero, and trying to build up heaps of articles and backlinks to soak up as much SEO juice as possible.

So, how do you actually do it?

1. Find some keywords:

Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a great free tool to help you figure out which keywords to target. Just start typing in words and phrases related to your product, and see what comes up.

If you're creative and lucky, you'll be able to find keywords like this:


Keyword difficulty (KD) of zero and 500 searches per month is great! But let's break it down.

Domain rank (DR) is how much weight search engines give your site. If you have a high DR, it's easier to rank for keywords, allowing you to appear higher up in search. DR goes from 0-100.

If you're a fresh site with zero DR, your website has no reputation or backlinks. To have any chance at ranking for a keyword, you're going to need to find ones that have very low difficulty. That means that not many other authoritative websites are targeting this keyword.

Just play around, type in queries, and see what you come up with. Ideally, you want keywords with a KD of less 10, and 100-500 searches per month.

2. Backlink building:

You need backlinks to:

  1. Make Google know your content even exists.
  2. Prove to Google that your content is worth showing in search results.

Backlinks are links to your content from other websites. Any link at all is technically a backlink, but not all backlinks are the same.

The only ones that actually matter to Google are the ones it's told to "follow." The person or website posting your link can decide whether to make their link to your website "dofollow" or "nofollow." Only your "dofollow" links contribute to your domain authority.


So, how did I get backlinks? I got a bit lucky.

In the Ruby on Rails niche, there are some great blog aggregators and newsletters that will post your article and link back to your website. So, I posted my ActionMailer article to one of them, and got a few tiny backlinks:


A domain rank of 0.8 is pretty abysmal! Luckily, it doesn't take much to rank for keywords with a difficulty of zero. By continuing to post articles and get backlinks, you can slowly build your DR.


Building your DR moves you up in the search results so that more people see, share, and link to your content. More links to your content moves you even further up the search results!"




Another funnel from the very talented funnel builder, Malia Burcham. This time for an event specialising in the math part of how to pass the real estate exam. 

Here it is.


As always, let me know what you would test and what you're going to funnel hack. Then, be sure to send me your funnel. I'll get you some leads and some great feedback!


"The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."

– Captain Jack Sparrow

Have a great weekend,


Off to Pascagoula, MS for

the weekend!