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FBM Digest #53: Steps to take off on Twitter, 10 must-read books, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #53: Steps to take off on Twitter, 10 must-read books, and more...

Happy Friday ! I hope you've had a productive week. 


Here are 5 little pieces of gold to drive your sales and marketing efforts next week:



We all know having a big audience makes a world of difference to our bottom line. However, creating a big audience can seem near impossible. Something that is only reserved for the chosen few.


This is simply not true. This week, marketing expert Aiman gave me a breakdown of how he would grow a big audience on Twitter. Follow these for 90 days and see what happens:


"Building a following on Twitter can seem daunting but the truth is it's more about having the right plan and following it consistently. 


These are the steps I recommend following. I've used the example of someone with a gardening services business to highlight exactly how to implement each step.


Narrow Down Your Audience:

 Target tweets towards gardening enthusiasts or homeowners interested in enhancing their outdoor spaces. Rather than aiming for broad virality, craft tweets about specific gardening tips, plant care, and transformations you've achieved for clients' landscapes.

Determine Your Primary and Secondary Themes:

 The primary theme could be gardening services. Tweet about the services you offer, seasonal gardening tips, or share 'before and after' images of clients' gardens. Secondary themes might include related topics like home improvement, outdoor decoration, and local biodiversity. These themes keep your content diverse, yet related.

Utilize Your Profile for Links:

 Include links in your profile bio to your website, garden blogs, or booking system. This allows potential clients to access your services easily. Instead of inserting these links in every tweet, you can simply direct your followers to your bio.

Build in Public:

 Share your process of transforming a barren space into a beautiful garden. Tweet about your victories, challenges, and lessons learned along the way. This authenticity can engage followers more than an impersonal article.

Engage and Find New People:

 Regularly interact with garden centers, landscapers, and other relevant parties on Twitter. Engaging with new people keeps your Twitter feed alive and can provide you with fresh perspectives and ideas.

Show Some Love to People You Enjoy Reading:

 Engage with Twitter accounts you enjoy, such as botanists, horticulturists, and gardening magazines. Liking, retweeting, and replying to their tweets not only increases your visibility but also ensures your feed is filled with content you find valuable.

Collect Emails with Freebies:

 Offer a free gardening guide or plant care tips in exchange for email addresses. This method is more effective than a simple giveaway, as it provides value to the recipient and can improve conversion rates.

Give Value: 

Share valuable content like seasonal gardening tips, pest control advice, or design inspiration. Once you establish your expertise through these 'giveaways,' followers are more likely to consider your paid gardening services.

Have Fun:

 Avoid burning out on Twitter by using it as a platform for more than just business promotion. Connect with others in the gardening community, share interesting finds, and celebrate your love for all things green.

Don't Make Twitter Your Only Acquisition Channel:

 While Twitter can be a great platform for reaching potential customers, remember to diversify your marketing strategy. Share updates and insights on Twitter, but also consider leveraging other channels like local garden clubs, home improvement stores, or community events."

If you need a marketing expert in your corner, be sure to reach out to Aiman here.



OneUp, the social media scheduling tool, used Quora to reach 70K+ users!

They recently shared how they did it with a cool trick to find Quora questions with 1K+ views, but only one answer:

Why does this matter?

You can write answers to relevant Quora questions positioning your product as the solution to the problem. Then, people who have that problem can find your answer and discover your product.

Who is this for?

Both B2B and B2C companies can find customers through Quora.

Many people think that nobody is on Quora anymore, since pretty much no one goes to Quora to search.

However, people search for something on Google, and then find a Quora question and answer as one of the top results of their Google search. That helps them find the solution to their problem, and this is how Quora gets the vast majority of its traffic.

Here's how to do it

Paste this into Google, but replace "keyword" with whatever keyword you're looking for: keyword "1 answer" "k views"

For example: SaaS "1 answer" "k views"

The top result for this search shows a Quora question with only one answer, but 5.9K+ views:


Now, write your answer, and you're only competing with one other answer for the top spot!

Does this work for other platforms?

This trick won't work for LinkedIn, since the number of views is not public information. However, you can do it for YouTube with this line: keyword "k views"




Are you a fan of reading? If so, Darla Mae recently reached out to the CF group asking for their favourite self-development books of all time. Here are the top 10:


"100 Million Dollar Offer" by Alex Hormozi

...delves into the secrets of making a business proposition so enticing that customers can't refuse it. It explores the strategies used by Hormozi to grow his business exponentially and offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs seeking to amplify their sales and boost their business growth.

"Psycho-Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz

...explores the idea that individuals can change their lives by altering their perception of themselves. This book, often considered the foundation of most self-help teachings, demonstrates how setting positive outcomes in your mind can pave the way for personal and professional success.

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear

...outlines the power of tiny behavioural changes accumulated over time. Clear presents practical strategies for formulating good habits, breaking bad ones, and mastering the tiny behaviours that lead to remarkable results, highlighting the concept of marginal gains.

"Outwitting The Devil" by Napoleon Hill

...explores the greatest obstacles that prevent people from achieving their personal goals. The book presents a captivating conversation between Hill and the 'devil', offering insights into conquering these barriers.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

...explores the psychological power of thought and the brain in the process of furthering your career for both monetary and personal satisfaction. Based on Hill's earlier work, The Law of Success, it provides 13 principles for personal success and financial prosperity.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason

...dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon. It offers timeless lessons on finance, wealth accumulation, and personal money management practices.

"The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield

...addresses the challenges artists face when trying to unlock their creative potential. Pressfield discusses the concept of 'Resistance' with a capital 'R', a force that prevents us from pursuing our passions and offers strategies to overcome it.

"The One Thing" by Gary Keller

...advocates for focusing on one single task that will help achieve your goals. It highlights the power of focusing on one thing at a time, leading to increased productivity, better results, and ultimate success.

"Awaken The Giant Within" by Tony Robbins

...provides strategies for mastering your emotions, body, relationships, finances, and life. Robbins offers a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose and take control of your life.

"Ready Fire Aim" by Michael Masterson

...a guide to growing a business and scaling it successfully. It provides straightforward advice for business owners about the various stages of business growth and the challenges that arise at each stage.




A couple of weeks ago, there was a big funnel design competition over at Clickfunnels and you'll never guess who won...


Our very own Malia Burcham, with this funnel here.


Malia stormed the competition with 28.6% of the votes. So, check it out, borrow some ideas, and let me know what you think...




“Your top of the funnel content must be intellectually divorced from your product but emotionally wed to it.” 

— Joe Chernov


Have a great weekend,


Nashville's 4th July

fireworks did not disappoint.

Apparently, its the biggest

firework display in America!