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FBM Digest #51: ChatGPT and organic traffic, Linchpin model guide, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #51: ChatGPT and organic traffic, Linchpin model guide, and more...



I hope your week has been a good one!


It's been a very busy week here at Marketplace HQ.


You've probably noticed I've been adding more high-value webinars. I'll send you an email if I think I have something you will be interested in but be sure to look at our brand-new events page to keep on top of what's happening.


You can register for any you're interested in via the events page here.




Since FHL last year, Russell and the ClickFunnels community have been talking about one of the biggest shifts in the business world...


The Linchpin model.

The Linchpin model focuses on continuity to bring recurring revenue as the core tenant of your business because, without continuity, all you have is a promotion.


On Wednesday, James Curran (known as The Linchpin Funnel Guy) hosted a webinar where he broke down exactly how a tier 1 Linchpin funnel would look, the type of product you should sell, how much it should be, and so much more.

If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, you have to watch this webinar. James shares some information that will be truly eye-opening and beneficial for your business. The main content lasts about 30 mins and then we go into a Q&A, so watch the replay here when you have a moment!




As you know, the business world has been going crazy over the constant AI updates. It can help 10x the amount of content you create BUT how will the search engines treat that content?


Off the top of your head, what impact do you think it will have on your organic traffic - will it have a:

  1. Positive effect
  2. Negative effect
  3. Make no difference to your traffic

Search pilot ran a test for a customer in the travel industry and before they released the results, they asked their audience what they thought would happen.

Here's how they voted:

The results

During this test, their customer used AI to create webpage content for two major travel markets: the United States and Australia.


The experiment was conducted in both countries. Although the new content resulted in a remarkable 13% increase in the US market...

The result on the Australia site was inconclusive, with a range of possible impact between +12% and -17% in organic traffic.

Very interesting find. Personally, I'll be driving full force with AI-supported content but will be monitoring the results carefully!  


Ads can be daunting for even the most experienced business owner or entrepreneur. You're investing your money, so you need to see results quick. Every dollar counts.


Luckily, this week, Ace Reddy shared the Facebook Video Ad Formula he uses in his business to help clients hit 7 figures. Have a look, and see if you can create an ad that ticks these 7 boxes:

1. Call them out. (Business Owners pay attention) 

2. Make them stop scrolling. (Even saying this directly helps!) 

3. Hint at 3 problems they face but stress on one particular one. 

4. Offer the solution. (Give your solution a fancy name + a logical reason why it works) 

5. Very quickly describe how you discovered the solution. 

6. Ask them to go to your site/message you. (CTA) 

7. Add a P.S. + Scarcity if possible in your niche.


I think this would work well for any video-based ad so be sure to test it out when you get a chance.




Funnel of the week... with a twist!


Mike Harris (former funnel builder for Clickfunnels) is a fantastic funnel builder. He reached out to me this week to say he has built the following funnels and offered them as a template package:

Lead Magnet Funnel, a 5 Day Free Challenge Funnel, a sales Funnel w/ Members Area (low ticket or high ticket), a VSL Funnel w/ Members Area, a high Ticket Application Funnel, a funnelHub / Homepage Funnel, an auto-webinar Funnel, and a live Webinar Funnel!


He's created a huge offer for this, so I'd love your opinion on one of the funnels to help him make his offer stand out even more.


Here's the funnel


And, if you'd like to check his offer, click here (it's a great example of overdelivering and creating a fantastic offer).




“Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.” 

— Ann Handley


Have a great weekend,


I'm in the market for a 

new car and would LOVE

a 70s Bronco. Any buying

advice here in the states

or do you know someone

looking to sell one??