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Newsletter #5: Q2, Short-Term Goals, and a Clear Roadmap

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Newsletter #5: Q2, Short-Term Goals, and a Clear Roadmap

Yeah. I get it.


You’ve heard a lot about goal setting. You’ve consumed heaps of content around the subject. You can even tell at this point if a goal is SMART (or isn’t) at just a glance.


But, with all this info, have you ever wondered why you still struggle to nail all your goals (or, at least, the most important ones)?




Mapping out killer goals isn’t enough. 


If you want to crush things, you’ll need to revisit your goals often and tweak things as you progress.


We’ve just crossed Q1 of 2022. And today’s newsletter features loads of good stuff that’ll help you stay on track all the way to Q4.


Without further ado, let’s dive right in.




Writing down your goals on paper is easy. Following through is tough.


This explains why most people (92%, according to one study) never hit their long-term goals.


I know you lined up several goals for 2022 sometime in January. Most people did.


But, let’s get real here. 


Q1 is over. And here are two questions for you:

  1. How many of your big goals for the year have you crossed off your list? 
  2. Do your daily, weekly, and monthly actions still align with your big goals for the year?


We all get busy most of the time. We almost always have a million thoughts spinning in our heads every time. We forget things.


So, for all the reasons mentioned above, you need not just write down your long-term goals and hope that you’ll somehow commit to nailing them. 


Want to record remarkable accomplishments this year?


Here’s what to do…


Make it a habit to revisit your long-term goals frequently. Break them down into chunks (aka “short-term goals”). Revisit your distilled list now and again.


Don’t just set goals. Return to them frequently, measure your progress, and make necessary tweaks as you move forward.


This is one simple but effective tip you can implement today.




Here are a few good pieces I’d recommend you read:

  1. How Goals Performance Review Can Help You Succeed More
  2. 5 Ways Reviewing Your Plans Can Enhance Your Success
  3. 20 Personal SMART Goals Examples to Improve Your Life




Michael Harris is a digital marketer, e-commerce specialist, and professional funnel designer with 8+ years of experience. He works with entrepreneurs running digital and brick-and-mortar businesses, helping them create marketing funnels that convert.

Need a ClickFunnels expert to help design a funnel for your business? Check out Harris’ services here.




There’s no pressure. 


Are you yet to achieve some financial or health goals you mapped out earlier this year? It’s not too late!


Q1 is over. But, there’s still Q2, Q3, and Q4.


“Goals are like a map. They help us determine where we want to end up and give us personal direction on which to focus our energy.” — Catherine Pulsifer


Keep reviewing your goals as you move forward and ensure that your daily, weekly, and monthly actions align with them.


You might be progressing slowly, but it’s totally fine as long as you keep moving in the right direction! Just. Keep. Going.

Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content