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FBM Digest #49: A powerful ChatGPT prompt, 5-figure per month funnel strategy, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #49: A powerful ChatGPT prompt, 5-figure per month funnel strategy, and more...

Hey, normally after I send these out, I'm pretty much tying up loose ends and getting ready for the weekend.


Not this week!

At lunchtime today (1pm EST, 12pm CT, 6pm BST), I'm hosting one of our free online meet expert funnel builder events.

If you want to chat one-on-one with an expert funnel builder, for 5 minutes, and get tips on how to instantly improve your funnel, you will love this event. It lasts for 30 mins, you can chat with up to 6 experts, it's free, and it's online.

There aren't many spaces left, so save yours here now, and I'll send you all the info you need. Then, come back and check out these 5 golden nuggets I found for you this week: 




You probably saw this Wednesday just gone, James and I had an event in which James walked 3 lucky community members through getting their funnels up to 5-figures per month.


You can watch the replay here.


One of my favourite things that James drove home at the event was the importance of perfecting one funnel step at a time.


It's your business, so naturally, you want everything to be perfect. But, trying to perfect everything can get overwhelming very quickly.


Instead, get a simple, to-the-point funnel out into the world and then optimize from the top of the funnel to the bottom.


Ads sending lots of traffic to the page but conversions low? Great. Let's optimize the opt-in page.


Opt-in page converting well, but no sales? Great. Let's optimize the selling portion of your funnel.


Knowing you only have one thing to focus on reduces stress and overwhelm and increases your creativity and ability to find solutions.


And remember, you have access to James and 30+ highly-skilled funnel builders on the marketplace. If one step of your funnel isn't working, ask an expert to show you what's missing. They'll know instantly!


After reading over 25 new marketing reports, Jaskaran Saini put together the best nuggets to enhance your marketing efforts. Here they are:

TikTok’s e-commerce consumer report


Consumers on TikTok take a bit of time to make decisions. Here's the overview:


1. 46% of consumers don't buy on the same day they encounter their first touchpoint with a brand.

2. 63% of users need to see content at least 3-4 times before making the decision to buy.

3. 34% of consumers are sceptical about branded content.

4. 41% do not purchase due to missing information.

5. TikTok is now the fastest-growing channel for discovery, with 15% of all product discoveries occurring on the platform, a jump from last year’s 4%.


LinkedIn’s B2B marketing report


Insights from LinkedIn's recent report:


1. Video ads that are 15 seconds or shorter have a 43% higher engagement rate than longer videos.

2. Brand and demand: The optimal balance between brand and demand. 60% branding and 40% direct response is what most successful B2B brands do in their campaigns.

3. 47% of buyers say that most of the time, the thought leadership content from B2B founders doesn’t resonate with their specific needs.

4. LinkedIn’s users watch 79% of the in-feed video content with the sound off. LinkedIn says: If you’re relying on sound to catch your audience’s attention, you’re missing almost four of every five viewers.


How people are planning for holiday shopping


1. 74% of US consumers across all ages and demographics are trimming down their holiday budgets due to inflation.

2. 42% of consumers are willing to browse stores in-person this year, compared to 39% last year.

3. 40% of consumers intend to splurge for themselves, with millennials and Gen Z leading the pack. Buy Now, Pay Later options will also be very popular, with nearly half of millennials and Gen Z consumers planning to take advantage of flexible payment options.

4. 44% of consumers are seeking coupons and discounts, while 43% are looking to move to a new retailer to secure a lower price this season.



Google’s insights on SEO practices


1. For a better approach to SEO, ensure that you don’t miss important sections of your website. Add alt texts to all of your images, and describe the content within it.

2. AI-generated text content is considered spam by Google's standards. But Google doesn't ban AI content across the board, just in certain situations. There's still a ton of gray area on this, so be careful.


Social media insights

1. 61% of weekly Instagram users say that ads with product tags help make buying more convenient, and help them make faster decisions.

2. Snapchat’s consumer report shows that its users plan to start shopping early this year. To reach 75% of its audience, the platform plans to highlight multi-product campaigns with dynamic auto-bidding and A/B testing.

3. Facebook's Holiday Marketing Guide advises launching your holiday campaigns early to get the most out of the holiday season. Focus on broad targeting and awareness in your campaigns.

4. TikTok highlights using lead generation ads along with its collective ads format to capture early shoppers.




I was on a Zoom call with Jerry O Brien this week, and while Jerry was sitting in Mexico, he shared a powerful ChatGPT tip you need to put to use! 


Here's what he said,

"Everyone is looking for the AI quick fix. The shortest prompt to get the biggest hack. I am suggesting the opposite.


Copy and feed all the information you have on your business into the “Paid Version of ChatGTP” in 900 word sections.


Tell it about your website, your mission statement, your audience, your funnel, your product, your stats, etc. Include as much info as you have at your figure tips.


Then type into ChatGPT:

Act as if you are a multiple million dollar successful exiting Entrepreneur and tell me what you like, what you don’t like, and what you suggest I improve from the information that I have provided above."

Then, talk to AI like you are having a conversation, but go deep. Ask questions about its answers and argue with it because it can be wrong too.

Get some solid guidance for your business, take action, and then come back to this same thread again when you have strategic questions. 

Most of all, have fun with it." If you'd like to dive deeper with Jerry, he is hosting a Zoom webinar next week about AI. It's titled, 'Revolutionizing Online Sales: How To Use AI To Create an Amazing Offer'. If you're interested, register your spot here.




This week's funnel comes from our own Carrie Twigg. This funnel was recently entered into a design competition but didn't win, so we'd love your thoughts on what you would change, but also what you love about it!


Here's the funnel




“Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.”

— Laura Fitton


Have a great weekend,


If you haven't been to

one of my 'Meet experts'

events before, you will 

love it!

P.S. To save yourself a spot the 'Meet expert funnel builders' event click here.