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FBM Digest #42: My personal ChatGPT prompt, iconic marketing examples, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #42: My personal ChatGPT prompt, iconic marketing examples, and more...



As always, I've hunted down five pieces of gold just for you. Have a read, have a great weekend, and see if you can implement anything useful next week:



I left it too late this week to ask for input from our experts (send help if you're one of them!), so I thought I'd let you in on the ChatGPT prompts I use in my side business.


ChatGPT is great for lots of things, but the copy it creates can sometimes be pretty basic. In order to get it to create spicy blurbs, ads, and posts, I first ask it to write a specific piece of content, then update its basic reply with the following:

"This needs to be more instructional, informational, engaging and interesting while maintaining a friendly tone. We have 8 different options for you to choose from that will make this engaging and interesting:


1. A specific story of someone who implemented the point

2. A genuine quote by an expert relating to the point

3. A genuine study that proves the point and how it works

4. A deeper explanation of what the study findings mean for the reader

5. A second genuine study that includes information such as improvement seen (in numbers) and the number of participants who saw this improvement 

6. A fun example of how the reader can easily implement this into their life

7. A comparison of the experiences between those who don't implement this point and those who do

8. Something I haven't mentioned here that you think will be great


Rewrite what you have written, including two or more of the above. Pick them randomly but influenced by what you think will be most effective."


I typically write about psychology, hence the studies. But you could change 'study' to 'case study' and have it create fantastic content for you.


Give this a try and see how it spices up your copy!


P.S. if you have any additional suggestions for making content engaging and interesting, send them my way, and I'll create a master list to share with everyone.




In 1998, Sara Blakely was a 27-year-old fax machine salesperson. Each day she would visit various businesses in her assigned territory, trying to convince them to purchase the fax machines she was selling. 


One evening, she was getting ready for a party and wanted to wear a pair of cream-colored pants, but didn't have the right underwear.


As a last resort, Sara decided to cut the feet off a pair of control-top pantyhose.


She realised her makeshift underwear gave her a smooth, seamless appearance and a more flattering silhouette, better than anything she'd worn before.


Being of the entrepreneurial mindset, she thought that many other women might appreciate a product that could address these issues and decided to research the market a little.


When she realized there was nothing similar on the market, she started learning more about hosiery and shapewear. She ordered a bunch of different types and made 'prototypes' by cutting the feet off them.


Realizing she might be onto something, she decided to invest $5000 of her own savings. She submitted a trademark application and came up with a fun and memorable name... Spanx.


The trouble was, she couldn't find a manufacturer willing to produce her product. She was initially rejected by multiple hosiery mills. But eventually, she managed to convince a North Carolina-based hosiery mill to take a chance on her idea when the owner's daughters expressed interest in the product.


With a manufacturer lined up, she focused on packaging. Sara wanted eye-catching and appealing packaging for her product, differentiating it from the competition. She wanted Spanx to have a strong brand identity.


Once she had a finished product, she started marketing Spanx by reaching out to her personal and professional network, as well as cold-calling retailers to pitch her product. She sent samples to fashion editors and leveraged any opportunity to generate publicity.


One of those people was Oprah Winfrey...


Sara sent her a gift basket with a personal note and several pairs of Spanx footless pantyhose. 


Oprah loved the idea and featured Spanx on her annual "Favorite Things" episode in 2000.


 Cut to today and Sara Blakley is worth $1.1 billion.


So, my question for you is, how can you package your item up into a gift basket and who are you going to send it to?


If you want someone to help get you started, Mike Ike does exactly that. His strategy session is currently just $5. Probably a worthwhile investment!

The receipt from Sara's first sale.




Can these marketing examples help you unlock the potential of your marketing efforts?

Jordan Mitchell, a successful real estate investor, sent me a tip this week that he suggests will:


"This strategy can lead to incredible customer loyalty and growth...


Consider these three examples:

  1. Apple's iconic 1984 commercial, which presented the Macintosh as a symbol of freedom against the oppressive PC.
  2. Nike's 'Just Do It' campaign, telling the story of everyday people overcoming challenges and achieving their dreams.
  3. Dove's 'Real Beauty' campaign, showcasing the beauty of women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds.

Each of these campaigns captures attention, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression. The power behind them? Great stories.


Yet, many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of storytelling in their marketing campaigns, focusing instead on features and specifications.


The key to powerful marketing is to craft a narrative that resonates with your target audience, showcasing the transformation your product or service can bring to their lives. By integrating authentic stories into your marketing, you'll create memorable experiences that set you apart from the competition.


Examine some of the most successful brands in the world - they all have a unique story that evokes emotions and drives customer loyalty. Your brand can achieve the same results by harnessing the power of storytelling and putting it at the heart of your marketing strategy.


In short, use the art of storytelling to create a lasting bond with your customers and watch your business flourish."




The funnel this week comes from Candice Shanks, co-founder of Processes for Profits.


It's a good example of a longer form opt-in page that ticks a lot of boxes. Take a look and let me know what, if anything, you would test for improved conversions or clarity - here's the funnel.


One other thing I'd be interested to get your thoughts on...


There is a banner at the top of the page, and I'm not sure if I've just become cynical, but whenever I see them, the business loses a little respect in my eyes. What are your thoughts? Do you believe these scarcity prompts when you see them?




"The key to business is a combination of determination and collaboration. With determination, we forge our path, and with collaboration, we navigate it with ease."

— Sophia L. Richards


Finding the right people to collaborate with is vital. Do you need traffic, a platform, or a product? Find people with the missing pieces and you will well on your way to creating a successful business.


You've got this.


This is a Honda Dream 100.

It's a reminder to put

some time into your own

dream 100.