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FBM Digest #40: Nike's interesting origin story, new 3-step sales technique, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #40: Nike's interesting origin story, new 3-step sales technique, and more...

Hey, Friday is upon us. I hope you've got some fun plans for the weekend. Here are 5 golden nuggets I've found for you to use next week to assist your pursuits...



If you missed yesterday's event, James Hughes (highest-rated funnel builder and YouTube expert) hosted an AMA, and it was packed with value.


He answered questions ranging from how to create a successful YouTube channel to the key to creating an impactful high-ticket product and everything in between.

(If you missed it, I highly recommend watching the replay here.)


One of my favourite things he taught yesterday was the incredible power of having a clear 3-5 step process for your product.

No matter what niche you are in, if you can show prospects how to go from problem to solution in 3 to 5 simple steps, the likelihood of them buying your product or service increases dramatically.


Humans develop a strong affinity and a sense of safety to things they can wrap their heads around. Get them there, and you have done 80% of the work.


What 3 to 5 steps can your prospects take to get them from where they are to getting the result they're looking for? Present it to them in a clear fashion and watch what happens. 



It's very easy as a new entrepreneur or business owner to doubt your ability to create the success you desire. We feel we don't know enough, aren't smart enough, or will be found out as frauds.


However, most businesses people consider successful today were once nothing more than an idea held by a person with no experience, tools, or money, just an entrepreneurial spirit.


Reading their origin stories can help calm your doubts and help you take massive action. So, I'm going to add them to the digest email from time to time. Starting with the story of Blue Ribbon Sports:


In the early 1960s, a gentleman named Phil Knight was a runner at the University of Oregon, where he met his track coach, Bill Bowerman.


Bowerman was obsessed with helping his athletes perform better and was always tinkering with their shoes to improve traction and support.


After graduating, Knight had an idea to import high-quality running shoes from Japan and sell them in the US, believing they could compete with established German brands.


Knight and Bowerman each invested $500 to start Blue Ribbon Sports. However, things didn't go well. 


First, because Adidas and Puma already dominated the market, they faced huge scepticism from retailers and resorted to selling shoes out of Knight's car at track meets.


Then, low sales meant Knight had to take a job as an accountant to support his growing venture.


However, they continued searching for the answer, certain their idea was a winner.


One day while making waffles, Bowerman had an epiphany. He realized the waffle iron could be used to create a new type of shoe sole, offering better traction and cushioning.


He named it the "Waffle Trainer".


Convinced the shoe would be a success, Knight and Bowerman decided to rename the business to something more in line with their vision for the company.


Inspired by the Greek goddess of victory, in 1974, they changed the name from Blue Ribbon Sports to Nike.


The waffle trainer became a big hit and brought a level of respect and trust to Nike.


They rode the success of the waffle trainer for years but soon realised if they were going to thrive, they needed to do more. In 1984, Nike decided to take a chance and sign an up-and-coming basketball player to endorse their products.


His name was Michael Jordan.


Alongside Jordan, Nike created the "Air Jordan" line of basketball shoes. Jordan went on to become the greatest basketball player of all time and the partnership revolutionized the sports marketing industry and played a crucial role in Nike's growth.


They didn't stop there. In 1988 Nike launched an advertising campaign featuring the slogan "Just Do It" and showcased everyday people and famous athletes overcoming obstacles to achieve their goals. The campaign resonated with consumers, making Nike a household name and solidifying its position as the market leader you know today.


Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman started out as two individuals with no money and no experience in creating a successful business. All they had was an idea and commitment.




A powerful tip from community member Alex this week:

"Your product should be so good and so obviously useful that you can reach out to a top famous influencer, show them it/the idea AND they agree to give it a try on the spot/provide feedback to help you craft it.

If you don’t have that, you don’t have it yet. Your product should be that helpful and solve such a desperate need that people, even important ones, will agree to use it in its beta and help with feedback.

If you achieve this, once you fully develop the idea you won’t really even need marketing past your first 100k a month. Word of mouth and the problem you solve alone will do it. If you don’t have this, marketing alone will likely not grow your business to scale."




The feedback I receive for these funnels is genuinely incredible. I really appreciate everyone who takes 5 minutes from their day to check the funnel and send me their thoughts. You don't have to do it, but it helps the business owner in such a big way. Thank you!


This week's funnel is by registered psychologist Irina Tarasenco.


It leads to a video but needs your help. Check it out here and let me know what you think. What feels good? What feels off? What would you change to increase conversions?


Btw... I've had 15 people submit their funnels since we started this. Send me yours, and let's get some feedback from the community that will make it irresistible.




"Dare to disturb the universe and let your aggressive pursuit of success redefine the boundaries of possibility."

— Victoria M. Atwood



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