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Newsletter #4: Exceptionality, Influence, and Long-Term Success

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Newsletter #4: Exceptionality, Influence, and Long-Term Success

Do you desire to become an authority in your niche?


If you do, then be sure to read through this entire email.


It doesn’t matter whether you are a freelancer or fitness instructor. If there’s nothing that sets you apart from others, then people might eventually forget about you (and your brand) in the long run.


As Seth Godin puts it in his bestselling book Purple Cow“The key to success is to find a way to stand out - to be the purple cow in a field of monochrome Holsteins.”


Today’s newsletter is value-packed. You’ll discover practical steps you can take to become one of the top 10% of professionals in your field.


Excited about this? Let’s dive right in!




Whether you run a mom-and-pop shop or a well-funded startup, your level of exceptionality is one key factor that will determine how long you will remain in business.


I’ll explain better.


There are currently approximately 105,000 ClickFunnels users.

This figure tells us how stiff the competition is—within the ClickFunnels community alone.


Let’s assume that 1% of these users sell a similar product to an identical audience (e.g., a weight loss program for nursing moms). 


If everyone runs paid promotions on the same channel, then you’ll end up competing with roughly a thousand others for the attention of a potential customer.


In reality, ClickFunnels users make up only a tiny fraction of the overall competition you will have to deal with. So, you see… it can be really tough to build a successful brand when you have nothing that makes you stand out.


The same goes for freelancers.


Social media, freelance marketplaces, and several other places are filled with dozens of “freelancers” offering your exact services. This means that you will have to be at least 1% better than the rest to stand out in your niche.


Exceptionality could mean different things. However, in this newsletter, I’ve outlined a few practical steps you could take today to become more knowledgeable than several others in your space.


Want to become an exceptional freelance copywriter, speaker, author, weight loss coach—you name it? Do these two things today:


1. Join relevant communities


You could pick up lots of good stuff by hanging around successful people in your industry. This is why you should join online communities.


Start here: Reddit


There is at least one subreddit (Reddit community) for every subject you can think of. So head over to Reddit and join a few communities.

You could also find relevant communities on places like LinkedIn and Facebook


Google comes in handy too.

2. Keep an eye on trends (and industry news)


Things are changing every day. So, keep an eye on trends and industry news to stay updated with recent happenings in your field.


Two ways to keep up with trends in your niche are:

  1. By subscribing to relevant newsletters


  1. By visiting top blogs in your niche regularly 




Here are a few comprehensive guides on building influence in one’s industry:

  1. How to Become the World’s #1 Expert in Your Niche
  2. 19 Strategies That’ll Help You Become an Influencer
  3. How To Become A Recognized Expert In Your Niche
  4. How to Become a Successful Content Creator




James is an expert graphic designer and funnel builder with 10+ years of experience. When he’s not designing funnels, He helps entrepreneurs and brands create colorful, eye-catching logos and mockups.

Need high-quality designs to make your landing pages popCheck out James’ services here.




Competition is stiff out there. You can’t afford to be like everyone else.


And, no matter how much you think you’ve achieved, there is always room for improvement.


So, here’s a final question for you:


What’s that ONE thing you plan to start today that’d make you at least 1% better every day?

Wait! Don’t just read that and pass. Instead, answer the question and take action today—if you truly desire to become an authority in your niche.

Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content