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FBM Digest #34: How to get ChatGPT to find hot new products for you to offer, a highly effective marketing tip, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #34: How to get ChatGPT to find hot new products for you to offer, a highly effective marketing tip, and more...

Hey, I hope you've had a fantastic week, you're turning up day in, day out, and good things are happening. I found 5 nuggets during the week to help your sales and marketing efforts, so I thought I'd better send them your way:



Mike Ikechukwu shared a great insight into a little-known world of marketing...


One piece of advice that is often overlooked by newer business owners and entrepreneurs is to focus on building trust and credibility with your audience.


People are more likely to buy from someone they trust and perceive as an authority in their industry. But it can take months of hard work for a new brand to build its reputation. Therefore, many new businesses fast-track this process and quickly achieve sales by taking a different approach...


Instead of taking months to build their reputation, they partner with influencers with a large and engaged following in their target market. These influencers recommend their product or service to their audience and 


It makes complete sense from a marketing perspective. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs shy away from this form of marketing because they don't believe influencers will give them the time of day or they can get better results running ads themselves. 


This is where Mike comes in. He does all the hard and scary work and leaves you to achieve the results. And those results are considerable. Results between a typical ad campaign vs an influencer campaign are almost incomparable:

Pick a big influencer in your market and ask yourself, if they created a product like yours, would they get similar results to you, or would it be flying off the shelves?


If you know they would get better results, imagine if you had 10... 50... 100... similar influencers selling it.


If that sounds good, contact Mike, and he will help make it a reality.




I've been reading Claude Hopkins' book 'Scientific Advertising' this week (considered one of the most influential advertising professionals of the early 20th century), and he mentioned something I thought was hugely important for people to remind themselves of when advertising their product. He said:

"We learn that cheapness is not a strong appeal. Americans are extravagant. They want bargains but not cheapness. They want to feel that they can afford to eat and have and wear the best. Treat them as if they could not, and they resent your attitude."


Many people focus on advertising the 'low price' of their product. However, what they don't realize is this often signals 'low quality/worth'.


Read your sales pages with the mindset of wanting to signal 'high quality/worth for a ridiculously low price', and your sales will benefit.




If you want to find a new product, niche, or market to dive into, this ChatGPT input by Stu Jordan will give you some very insightful results. Go to ChatGPT and enter the following (making the necessary changes):


Please establish possible niches for [enter your skill/service here, eg copywriting]. My interests and passions include [list 3 or 4 of your top passions and interests].

Combining my interests and passions, please create 5 potential niches for me according to the following instructions:

1. The potential niche should be one that requires the service or skill identified above.

2. Provide a brief explanation of why each niche is worth exploring.

3. Suggest a framework name for a potential offer that could be used to test this niche that is unique, interesting, and creates interest.

4. Provide a potential USP / differentiator for this offer that will help it stand out in the market.

5. Create a simple hook for this offer that can be used for testing the niche on social media.


Please also note the following tone and style instructions:


1. All output must be easy to read, suitable for a teenager to understand

2. For the framework and USP, please be creative, relevant, with a marketing style likely to resonate with the target market. Think outside the box, and use a temperature range of 0.6 to 0.8.

3. For the hook, please make this relevant, and create curiosity. Be interesting and engaging. Be very creative and unique. Make it eye-catching and scroll-stopping. Use a temperature range of 0.6 - 0.8.


Please present all the information requested in a table using the following column headers:


Potential Niche








Who's up next to have their funnel reviewed by our expert community? The feedback previous funnels have received has been incredibly valuable so email me your URL and I'll get you lots of high-quality feedback (and maybe even some hot new leads).


Before that, finance expert Dennis Zaderaka needs your advice on his funnel. He's looking to increase conversions into any of his three options and would love to know how you would improve the page.


Take a look and send me your thoughts here




“Platitudes and generalities roll off the human understanding like water from a duck. Impressive claims are made far more impressive by making them exact.”

— Claude Hopkins


Have a great weekend,


Any sunset walk fans??