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Newsletter #3: Retainers, Referrals, and the Power of Relationships

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Newsletter #3: Retainers, Referrals, and the Power of Relationships

Ever knew that you could expand your clientele and secure more qualified leads for your business simply by building good relationships?


Yes. You definitely can!


Establishing a solid freelancer-to-client relationship is one smart way to land retainer deals, score referral gigs, and skyrocket your income. 


And, if you’re a Funnel Hacker, good relationships can create an opportunity for you to break into new markets, expand your reach and create more awareness for your products or services.


Want to start building lasting business relationships?


This newsletter features loads of good tips to help you get started.


Let’s dive right in.




Your desire, as a freelancer, is always to have a pipeline filled with well-paying gigs. Isn’t it?


Sadly, while this is every freelancer’s dream, it’s rarely the reality for most people.


A more significant percentage of freelancers spend most of their time sourcing for new gigs and clients—every time and every day.


Sounds like the situation you’re in?


Worry not! There’s a way out.


Making good connections is one way to break out of the league of the “forever gig hunters.” It’s a surefire way to create a consistent income stream and build a thriving freelance business.

Successful freelancers don’t hunt for new gigs every time, but they always have their plates full of quality projects. 


And… NO. There’s nothing magical about this. 


These freelancers simply make the bulk of their income from a few clients they’ve built good relationships with over time. 


And these satisfied clients help them stay buoyant by re-ordering their services now and then, proposing retainer agreements, and referring them to their friends (i.e., other business owners).


That’s how powerful relationships are.


And the good news is that you can start establishing bonds with your clients starting today.


Not sure of how to go about this?


No worries. Here are some helpful tips for you:


  1. Always be friendly and patient when discussing your clients’ needs with them. And never pressurize them to finalize a deal—when they aren’t ready to.
  2. Always go over and beyond, ensuring that your services meet your clients’ needs and expectations (even if it requires that you do something “extra” without demanding extra fees).
  3. Offer your clients suggestions and advice you genuinely believe will help them achieve their desired outcome. And it shouldn’t matter whether they wouldn’t require your services to execute your ideas.
  4. Take things a bit beyond business. Connect with your clients on social media, and send DMs once in a while inquiring about their family, health, and other non-business-related matters.
  5. If you offer tech-related services, always follow up with clients a few days after delivering an order to check if things you helped set up still work smoothly.


And freelancers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from good business relationships.


Are you a Funnel Hacker looking to grow your business this year?


Take advantage of relationships too.


Start building relationships with like-minded business owners.


With the right connection, you could end up co-authoring a book, co-hosting webinars and other virtual meetings, landing speaking gigs, and so on. 


And with these opportunities, you will quickly create more awareness for your business, drive more potential leads to your funnels, and ultimately increase your sales (and revenue).




Want to start building business relationships this year? Check out these guides:


  1. Forget Networking: Relationship Building Is The Best Career Shortcut
  2. 11 Ways to Build and Maintain Strong Client Relationships
  3. How To Create Lasting Business Relationships
  4. 7 Types of Business Relationships You Need to Grow Your Small Business




George P. is an expert funnel builder and copywriting specialist on Funnel Rolodex. He creates done-for-you sales funnels and high-converting copy that result in successful, five- to six-figure launches.

Need someone to help write spellbinding copy or build high-converting funnels for your business? Check out George’s services here.




If you followed me closely up until this point, then you’ll agree that…


…relationships are powerful tools that people can harness to grow their businesses.


Why wait any further?


Implement the tips I shared above (and those in the recommended external guides).


It’s still February. You have more than enough time to erect structures that’d help make your dreams of scaling your business this year feasible.


So, get to work immediately. Yes, start now!


Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content