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FBM Digest #28: How to increase opt-ins by 50%, opens by 25%, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #28: How to increase opt-ins by 50%, opens by 25%, and more...

Hey, I hope you've had a great week. Mine has been spent searching high and low for five golden nuggets that I'm confident will make next week even better. See what you think...



Matty Milligan dropped some gold this week...


He creates lots of high-converting email sequences that convert opt-ins into buyers. Naturally, he said the #1 thing that makes the emails work is the copy. But do you know what was #2?


Having an email profile image!


That little icon which appears next to some emails to show you who sent it can increase opens by as much as 25%.


Amazon has it, Spotify has it, I have it...

And you can add yours by implementing BIMI — here’s how to do it.

Alternatively, you can set up your own image through Google. 


Once you've done that, if your follow-up emails still don't convert well, it would be a good idea to get Matty to write some that do.




How much desire does your marketing stir up?


You can greatly increase the desire of your potential customer by using one simple strategy. Take a look at this example below:




This fabulous rose variety produced 500 blooms in June... 1523 more blooms in July... 1616 more blooms in August... 437 more blooms in September... 4,076 roses all from one single plant...


Can you imagine the fantastic beauty of a rose bush that can easily give you MORE THAN 4,000 ROSES from June to September—and then keeps on blooming heavily right up into frost...


Can you imagine the fantastic thrill of walking into your garden and actually picking 3 dozen, even 4 dozen roses a day from a single plant, day after day, week after week—and still leave gigantic clusters of bloom on each single plant.


Colorful, fragrant roses almost as large as the most expensive Hybrid Teas, yet blooming by the hundreds at one single time... on one single bush! Cherry-pink 3-inch rose overlaid with tinges of red that deepen in fire and brilliance as the blossoms unfold—to reveal a dazzling gold splash on their petals! Roses that burst into living walls of blossoms that flame again and again into exquisite masses of bloom in June, July, August, September, October, November... and often stay in bloom weeks after the first snows have fallen!


I don't know about you, but I want to get my hands on some of these seeds! The images this copy creates in your mind make you feel something, don't they? That's what your copy needs to do.


You might think that is hard, but the images also blind you to the fact that this ad uses one simple strategy... 

It explores the promise (more roses) from different angles.


Most pages and ads stop at the promise and then move on. 


So think, what result does your product give the customer, and how does that manifest in their life?


Come up with 4 or 5 different angles and share them when talking about your product. Your customers will then feel its value.



How exciting is your newsletter signup form?


Josh Comeau, founder of CSS For Javascript Devs, had a 50% increase in opt-ins when he switched from a typical signup bar to this brilliant little widget:




As mentioned last week, I thought it would be great to start using the power and knowledge of this community to supercharge our own funnels. The first to offer a funnel for your critique and advice is fellow community member Jason Barry.

Check his page out here, then tell me, what feedback would you give to Jason? Is there anything that really catches your eye? Anything you think could be improved?


Send your thoughts my way, and I'll pass them on to Jason.


Then, would you like to volunteer your funnel?


Send it my way, and I'll get you the priceless feedback of 15,000 community members.



"Brave people aren't fearless. They have just found something that matters more to them than fear. If you're fearful of taking action, find a reason that makes the fear less relevant, like wanting to create a more rewarding and fulfilling life for your family. This helps you find the courage you need."

— Anonymous


Always in your corner,


What I'm reading this week

P.S. I'm a big Fulham Football Club fan, and last night, we beat our biggest rivals Chelsea (their stadium is only ~1.5 miles from ours) for the first time in 17 years. So, if you ever wanted a favour, now is the time to ask :) Schedule a time for us to chat here.


P.P.S. This is more of a personal request... what are your all-time favorite 'you must read this' non-fiction books? I'm putting together a list for the year. It can be any field...