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FBM Digest #23: Mr Beast's YouTube success secret, a shortcut to ranking #1 on Google, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FBM Digest #23: Mr Beast's YouTube success secret, a shortcut to ranking #1 on Google, and more...

Hey, I hope you've had a good week. I've been scouring the internet to find you 5 golden nuggets. Here they are:


Could better images and graphics be the simple secret to increasing your conversion rates?


You've likely noticed I often stress the importance of high-quality copy. But Design Expert, Berny Pereira, reminded me of the old adage, 'A picture is worth a thousand words.'


Successful business owners know this, but few share it.


On 17 November 2022, Jimmy Donaldson achieved the Guinness World Record of "Most Subscribers for an Individual Male on Youtube" with his MrBeast channel at 112,193,139 subscribers.


When asked about this incredible success, Jimmy said one of his secrets is spending between $5,000-10,000 per thumbnail because 'the thumbnail makes a difference between 50 million views or 200 million.'


You could be leaving conversions on the table. Send Berny a message today and take your funnels to the next level.




Could a press release ignite the traffic coming to your page?


I read a post yesterday by Jouni Flemming, the creator of He said on October 27th, he spent $50 on a press release, and on October 31st, his app was featured in a major German computer news website called


This feature sent thousands of visitors to his site. And now, just six weeks later, he has just over 20,000 active users of his app.


If you think it's worth a go, I suggest having one of our copywriters help write your press release to give it extra appeal.


If you'd like to talk about this or anything business related with me, feel free to book a time to chat here.




If you could rank #1 on Google, things would change, right?


The vast majority of businesses spend an immense amount of time and effort ranking #1 on Google Search. Virtually no one puts effort into ranking #1 on Google Images. It's an untapped goldmine.


Dan Morgan, the owner of, got an image to rank #1 in Google images in just four days! 

Here's how...

"Image SEO is big business and can attract lots of new leads depending on your niche. Google (and other search engines) often display image results above the usual search results for certain queries. Therefore, this can result in more users visiting your website if they click through from the image. To prove the ease and effectiveness of this tactic, here is a small case study with an easy keyword. Below is an image of the Smartest Person in Cardiff:

It’s not really.

However, this image will rank number 1 for this search term because of good image SEO.

Here is a simple list of things to do to get your image to the top of the search results. Virtually no one does all of these:

  1. Add Alt and Title tags
  2. Include keywords in the file name
  3. Add GEO coordinates to image properties
  4. Links to the image from external sources
  5. Syndicate the image on various sites

These give the image that extra edge within the image search rankings (particularly in the local area).

It’s also a good idea to submit an image sitemap file to Google to index the image quicker.


Here's the result. As you can see from the image, it ranked #1 in Google Images just 4 days after being posted.


(I checked this myself, and it is still #1 over a year later. Dan's is to the left, mine is to the right:)

It really is that easy. If you were to target keywords that users will be searching for, you could receive a massive boost in visitors or leads."


If you want someone to do this type of SEO for you, Dexter Nelson is your guy. Take a look at his services here.


This week's funnel is Jouni Flemming's from the Marketing Tip of The Week. As mentioned, he has just over 20,000 active users, so the page is clearly working.

Check it out here.




“And do you know what is the most-often missing ingredient in a sales message? It’s the sales message that doesn’t tell an interesting story. Storytelling … good storytelling … is a vital component of a marketing campaign.” — Gary Halbert


Always in your corner,


My 1st time shopping for a 

Christmas tree and putting 

it on the roof of the car!