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Newsletter #2: NFTs, the Metaverse, and Loads of Opportunities

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Newsletter #2: NFTs, the Metaverse, and Loads of Opportunities

Tell me:


How would you describe 2021 in one word?


Was it amazing, fun, horrible, challenging, fulfilling—you name it?


Everyone’s view of last year would vary since we all had different experiences. However, we’ve moved past 2021 and stepped into a new year. And, regardless of our last year’s experiences, we have the power to make this year an amazing one. 


One vital skill that industry leaders share is the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities as they spring up.


“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” - William Arthur Ward


This newsletter is filled with ideas that you can implement to expand your business and grow your revenue this year.


Ready to discover them? Let’s dive right into some good stuff!




In October 2021, Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled his big idea about taking social networking a step further—by connecting people via the metaverse. 

He stated that “...the next platform will be even more immersive — an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it. We call this the metaverse, and it will touch every product we build.”


And, while you might think Zuckerberg is just one young, ambitious fellow, he sure isn’t alone on the metaverse train. In fact, several other reputable brands are already working towards making the concept a reality.


Also last year, in November, almost everyone—everywhere—began discussing cryptocurrency when Bitcoin hit an all-time high. And, not long after that, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) got on the spotlight—and have continued to grow in popularity.


Okay. I get it.


At this point, you’re probably wondering what I’m driving at. Right?


Here’s my point:


There are loads of opportunities around that both freelancers and internet marketers could explore. Unfortunately, many aren’t even seeing these “opportunities,” let alone harnessing them. 


Do you fall under this category? No problem. I would give you some good ideas to help get your creative juices flowing.


Here’s the truth…


People need mentors and coaches now more than ever before. 


More and more innovations and potential income streams are birthed daily—across diverse fields. And, while people desire to explore some of these things (like in the case of NFTs or Cryptos), the majority still struggle to understand the concepts behind them. Or, put simply, many people are clueless about how to get started.


This is where the opportunity lies for you.


Do you have good knowledge about certain new concepts or innovations in your field? Monetize the knowledge this year!


Create a community. Start a newsletter. Host free classes and create free resources. Make a tripwire offer. And, after a while, launch your premium offers—mentorship classes, paid membership communities, etc. 


This isn’t all about the metaverse, NFTs, and cryptos—these are only three examples. The process stays the same, even if you’re in the gaming, cooking, fitness, personal development, or wealth creation niches.


What’s more, the idea of spotting and capitalizing on opportunities isn’t limited to internet marketers alone. Freelancers can also practice this.


Savvy entrepreneurs are taking advantage of trends in their niches. And, for this reason, several new businesses are being birthed now and then.

The emergence of these businesses creates an opportunity for freelancers to expand their clientele and land more gigs. 


Amongst other things, commit to expanding your knowledge this year. Watch out for trends and innovations in your field and research about them—to understand certain basic concepts and industry jargon.


Here’s the truth:


There’s a big difference between a Graphic Designer and a Graphic Designer who knows about NFTs. 


Regardless of how skilled both designers might be, an NFT brand will pick the second one over the first—even if all they have is just basic knowledge of NFT.


So, as I mentioned earlier, commit to expanding your knowledge this year.




Having talked about opportunities, NFTs, and other things, here are a few hand-picked pieces I believe you would find informative:

  1. 5 Simple Ways to Identify Business Ideas That Could (Really) Change the World
  2. NFTS Explained: Why People Spends Millions of Dollars on Jpegs
  3. Complete Guide to Tripwire Funnels With 9 Powerful Examples
  4. The Metaverse Explained: Everything You Need to Know



Matty Milligan is a top-rated funnel strategist on Funnel Rolodex. He provides personalized roadmaps for entrepreneurs looking to build their first (or next) 7-figure funnel in 12 months (or less).

Want to join the 2CC league this year? Check out Milligan services here.




Opportunities are all around you. And, if you’ve followed me closely up until this point, then you’ve probably gotten some good ideas to execute in the coming months.


So … Go! Implement the good stuff you’ve learned today, and let nothing hold you back.


Cheers to a prosperous 2022!


Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content