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Rolodex Digest #19: How to stay out of spam, how to hack your competitors Google ads, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Rolodex Digest #19: How to stay out of spam, how to hack your competitors Google ads, and more...

It's that time again! Here are this week's nuggets:



You spend a lot of time and money to get a customer onto your email list. The last thing you want is for your emails to end up in their promotions or spam and never be seen, right?


To ensure your emails always land in their inbox, follow these great insights from one of our marketing experts, Aiman. (He sent me these are discovering my Rolodex digest emails in his promotions folder.)


"To ensure your emails end up in the recipient's inbox, their email platform needs to know your emails are valuable. There are two ways to do this:


1. Ask your subscribers to add your email address to the whitelist or address book

If you have a thank you page after signing up, tell them the subject of the email they're about to receive and remind them to check for it in spam and promotions. This will significantly increase the likelihood of them finding your 1st email if it does end up in one of these folders.


Then, in the email, ask them to add you to their whitelist or address book (be sure to remind them of the value they will receive from you).

I noticed the Rolodex emails have this added: Quick reminder - If you like my newsletter, please do 'add to address book' or reply. (These positive signals help the newsletter land in your inbox.)


2. Get them to reply to one or more of your emails.

The most effective time to do this is when someone joins your list. They're usually excited and open to communicating with you.


Typically, all you have to do is ask a good question, and they will reply.


But what if they have been on your list for a long time, and you're only just discovering the importance of this? 


In that case, using one or more of these tactics works wonders for getting replies:

  1. Offer a free giveaway: for a chance to win, they must reply to your email
  2. Ask them to vote for something
  3. Email them personally: check-in and ask if you can help with anything
  4. Ask them what they would like to see in future emails
  5. Involve them in a fun experiment in which their reply is vital

(Quick note from Lee: I'm doing something big to implement one this month. More about that in the P.S. section of this email).


If just a tiny percentage of your audience adds you to their whitelist or replies, your delivery rate will increase across the board. If 50 Gmail accounts have been interacting with your emails, Google is far more likely to direct your emails to the inbox of other Gmail subscribers."


Aiman knows marketing inside out, so if you want someone to help with your marketing, send him a message via his Marketplace profile page here.




Would you like to spy on your competitor's Google and YouTube ads? 


Very few people know that Google has an ads transparency page... A page that shows every ad your competitor runs on Google and YouTube. The info you discover could be a total game-changer for you, so here's how to find it:


Step 1: Search for your competitor on Google

Most companies run ads against their name, so they control what people see when they're searched for. In this example, I'll use Tony Robbins as my competitor:


Step 2: Find one of their ads and click on the three dots at the end of the URL


Step 3: Click the 'See more ads' link in the popup that appears


Step 4: Search through a treasure trove of ad ideas

You can filter by the date they have been run, the location they're shown, and the format of the ad (text, image, video):


Bonus Step:

When I tried this using the Chrome browser, it returned blank images for all ads. If you have this same issue, copy and paste the URL into another browser (Safari, Firefox, Edge, etc.), and it should work fine.



How would you like to send lots of qualified leads to your page for free?


Usually, tactics for free leads take a lot of time and effort. However, these nuggets from Dave Bressler (creator of will get you leads almost immediately:


1. Be the first to comment on large accounts that reach your target audience -

This has been a game-changer for me. I set up tweet notifications so that when popular accounts that reach my audience post something, I'm notified.

When I'm notified, I quickly leave a comment, making me the first commenter. Hopefully, my response is witty enough to be a top comment. Some of my comments have garnered several hundred profile clicks and clicks to the website. 

2. Engage in social listening for your industry -

If someone posts about "excel formulas" on Twitter, I'm there commenting through my business account, engaging with the user. Whether it's sending a funny GIF or solving a problem for them, I am constantly engaging.


3. Engage with users when your brand is mentioned -

There's no "excelformulabot" mention on any social site that I haven't responded to. If people are talking about it, I'm responding. Leaving a comment only increases post engagement and reach, resulting in more eyeballs on it!



This week's funnel ticks all our landing page boxes and is a great example to follow. See how many of our landing page recommendations you can spot:


BTW, if anything catches your eye or makes you think, 'I would love to have something like that on my page!' we have people who will create it for you:


Seen an excellent image or logo?

Screenshot it, send the screenshot to one of our graphic designers, and ask them to create something similar for your business.


Found a page you love the design of? 

Send the URL to one of our funnel builders and have them build it for you.


Being tempted by powerful ads?

Tell one of our marketing experts, and they'll set this up for you.


Find yourself being hypnotized by text or video copy?

Send it to one of our copywriters, and they will create something as, if not more, hypnotic for you.




โ€œWe must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.โ€ - Jim Rohn


Always in your corner,


Reposting this because I'm still over the moon 
