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FR Digest #12: Mastering above the fold, increasing conversion rates, and more...

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

FR Digest #12: Mastering above the fold, increasing conversion rates, and more...

I found a quiet moment at the Funnel Rolodex booth at FHL while Brendan Burchard is on stage giving a great talk, so I thought I'd get this weekly digest out to you. Let's go!



Want a very quick and easy way to increase purchases 2-5%?


Mike Harris has added started adding a sticky "Add to cart" button to the mobile pages of his client's funnels and saw their conversion rates increase 2-5% instantly!



If you want to add this to your pages, feel free to send Mike a message:



Do you have a low-ticket offer or want to add a high-converting one to your funnel?


If so, this funnel sent to me by expert funnel builder George P is the perfect one for you to hack:


Funnel Craze



Cathy Yoder (YouTube air fryer sensation check her page out here) said one thing she recommends to everyone is to add a small picture of themselves to the bottom of their emails. 


Having an image may seem simple, but it increases the know, like, and trust factor with your audience with every email you send. This, as you know, has a huge impact on your conversion rates and the community you build, so add this today (I just implemented this!)


The above-the-fold section of your landing page is the most important section. It determines whether someone continues to browse your page or clicks away and does something else. So, in order to make this section the best it can possibly be, make sure it follows this formula from marketing expert Harry Dry

  1. Explain the value you provide (title)
  2. Explain how you'll create it (subtitle)
  3. Let the user visualise it (visual)
  4. Make it believable (social proof)
  5. Make taking the next step easy (CTA)

Here's a great example to follow:


5. FHL Bonus:

If you're using Clickfunnels and want to greatly increase its functionality, i.e. have a reliable option to auto-play videos, and offer both credit card and Paypal options together at checkout, you need CF Pro Tools. 


Their owner, Jaime Smith, came by the booth offering a great discount for anyone at the event. I thought everyone in the community could benefit from it, so I asked if I could send it to our whole community, and he said yes! So, if you've been looking at CF Pro Tools, feel free to use this offer!


Have a great weekend,


Cathy and I at the booth

P.S. Do you have a tip, funnel, quote, or knowledge you would like to share with the community in the next digest? If so, I'd love for you to send it my way. If we use it, all credit will be given to you alongside a link to your funnel or listing.


P.P.S If you're at FHL, make sure you stop by the Funnel Rolodex booth and say hi.