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Funnel Rolodex Digest #11: 5 golden nuggets

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Funnel Rolodex Digest #11: 5 golden nuggets

In this edition of the FR newsletter, I've collected 5 golden nuggets that I think you will find very valuable. Here they are:


Do you run challenges or webinars? If so, you need to hear this...

Rolodex expert Polly Powell told me recently, 'Any business that runs challenges or webinars needs to be using a chatbot like Manychat. A client of mine had a 32% increase in people showing up live using this method. The reason being, their emails had a 27% open rate, whereas their Manychat messages had an 81% open rate.'

A 32% increase in attendees! Polly is a Messenger Expert Partner with Manychat, so send her a message if you want to discuss implementing this in your business.


Trying to create an attractive, high-converting funnel? Take a look at Charles Lemon's Vigragro Vegetable Bag funnel.


Many of you will remember this funnel from Mike Harris' Funnel Roast webinar. It is an excellent example of a high-converting funnel- clean design, clear copy, and professional graphics.

Check it out for inspiration, and grab yourself a vegetable bag while you're at it!


From our very own Seth Wright, "I run wrestling camps for kids, and naturally, many of the kids tell me they want to be successful, they want to win gold medals. It's the same with many entrepreneurs I talk to, they want success, they want the accolades. I tell both groups the exact same thing that I learned from one of my favorite books, 'Chop Wood Carry Water' by Joshua Medcalf:

The best way for you to achieve the success you want is to surrender the outcome and fall in love with the process.

Imagine being a child and your dad makes you go outside every morning to chop wood and draw water. As a kid, you will hate this process every step of the way. You'll do a terrible job, and you won't be present because all you'll be thinking about is being finished so you can go play with your friends.

Now imagine that same child whose favorite thing on planet earth is to chop wood and carry water. He'd be out of bed before dad even told him to go outside. He'd be singing and skipping the entire time while he was chopping wood and carrying water. He'd focus on his technique while swinging the axe. He'd know if he was drawing bad water or good water. He'd focus on doing a good job.

Exact same work. Two different mindsets. Which do you think would be a better parent, worker, or business owner? Which would become a master of their craft?

Surrender the outcome. Fall in love with the process.

By doing this, you'll naturally put yourself in a better position to win or become successful."


Does your marketing pass the 'caveman grunt' test?

According to storytelling expert Donald Miller, in his book ‘Building a Story Brand’, there are three questions audiences must be able to answer within 5 seconds of looking at your landing page:

  1. What is this person offering?
  2. How will it make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?

Take a look at your landing pages and ask yourself, would a caveman be able to grunt an answer to the three questions posed above? If they can't, there's a very high chance your conversion rate is suffering.


“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain

Have a great weekend,


P.S. Do you have a tip, funnel, quote, or knowledge you would like to share with the community in the next digest? If so, I'd love for you to send it my way. If we use it, all credit will be given to you alongside a link to your funnel or listing.

P.P.S. If you're coming to FHL next week, make sure you stop by the Funnel Rolodex booth and say hi.