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Funnel Rolodex Digest #10

Lee Chapman

Lee Chapman

Funnel Rolodex Digest #10

In this edition of the FR newsletter:

  1. We take a walk into the world of magicians and expose the secret to their awe-inspiring performances.
  2. We’re spotlighting an expert who helps business owners generate unlimited traffic for their sales funnel.
  3. I unpack some of our big plans for FHL 2022.

Let’s dive right in.




“His magic is magical. Wow! Gives me chills. And he leaves you wondering; how does he do it?”


“Even at x0.25 speed, he is flawless. I can’t see anything. How did he do that?!”


“Astonishing! Mesmerizing! Effortless! Not in my wildest imagination could I comprehend how much work went into that performance.”


These are all people’s comments on a recent Youtube video featuring a 3-minute stage performance by one of South Korea’s finest illusionists.


Everyone knows there’s an explanation behind the tricks. 


We know it’s all make-believe.


But every time, we remain in awe after watching these performances—trying to wrap our heads around what just happened. To achieve this, Yu Hojin, one of South Korea’s best illusionists, spent five years perfecting an award-winning act he performed in under 10 minutes. There are hundreds of other exceptional magicians with similar backstories. These people possess no special gift.  Their rise to fame isn’t a product of luck. 

“Those who failed in the art of magic thought they lacked good props, what they really lacked was good practice.” ― Amit Kalantri


The secret behind the best magic performances is relentless hard work—nothing more, nothing less. 

You can also become a sought-after freelancer, course creator, and consultant. But it’s not enough to wish for it. Like a professional magician, you need to be relentless. In our world, that starts with asking the right questions:

Where is my business not working, and who can help me fix it? One of the biggest factors holding businesses in our community back today is traffic. Today's expert spotlight is just for you... 


Dan Mennear is a digital marketing specialist and traffic expert. He helps entrepreneurs and businesses fill their funnel with traffic. Those who tuned into the fantastic webinar he hosted recently also know he's a family man, friendly and very easy to talk to.


So, whether you're a 7-figure business looking to get to 8 or have never run an ad in your life if you want to drive boatloads of traffic to your sales funnels, drop Dan a quick message here.




Funnel Hacking Live (FHL) is happening this month!


We are excited about this because we will (finally) get a chance to connect with the Funnel Rolodex community in person.

Several Funnel Rolodex’s top experts have told us they will be at the event. And we plan to introduce you to them, so you’ll get an opportunity to discuss your business needs with them one-on-one. Lee has created a form for those of you who will be attending. 

Go here and fill it up so we can make proper arrangements. 


Until next time,


Favour Abalogu

Head of Content



Did you miss Dan’s webinar with the FR community in August? 

Here’s a link to the free replay.


P.P.S. If you’re interested, you can watch the 3-minute magic performance I mentioned earlier here.